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    manic986 reacted to jetsetdanny in Willy in the Islands of Mystery : part II : The Temple   
    Thanks for all the info, Hervé! It's great that your creativity is in full swing! 😁Your project No. 8 sounds really intriguing 🙂. 
    Yes, I think that'll be a good idea, to separate it from "Willy in the Islands of Mystery : part II : The Temple".
    Hervé, the title screen of "The Temple" looks great 😊. The only thing is that the "t" in "temple" looks to be in lower case. I would kindly suggest that you capitalise it, to stick to the capitalisation rules for titles. So it would look like this:

    In fact, the first part of the game is listed on JSW Central as "Willy in the Islands of Mystery (Part 1: Exploration)". I can't remember off the top of my head, but I assume this exact spelling of the name was discussed in the old Yahoo! Group. However, I can see that you used the Roman numeral for the second part ("Part II") and that indeed a Roman numeral was also used on the title screen of the first part ("Part I"), while an Arabic one was used in its scrolling message ("Part 1").
    Which is your preference for the listing of the title of the game on JSW Central? I could change the current "Willy in the Islands of Mystery (Part 1: Exploration)" to "Willy in the Islands of Mystery (Part I: Exploration)" and then the second part will be listed as "Willy in the Islands of Mystery (Part II: The Temple)". Personally, I think it actually looks better with Roman numerals ("I", "II") than with the Arabic ones ("1", "2"), but it's up to you to decide. Please let me know 🙂 .
    Have a great week!
  2. Like
    manic986 reacted to Hervé AST in Willy in the Islands of Mystery : part II : The Temple   
    Hello Daniel and the whole community!
    Thank you Daniel for your help. You are always so perfectionist, it is exactly what I want for the test, thank you very much!
    I modified the title screen with the "T" in capital letters for the word "Temple". Thank you for that.

    For the name of the game I confirm that I also prefer the number 2 in Roman numerals (II).
    Ok also to modify the name of the first part with the letter 'Part I".  It's much better.
    I modified "Part II" in the scrolling message.
    This week, I played several parts of the game until the end. I don't see anything more to modify or correct.
    So I sent you by email the game with the English translation !!!
    I'm sure you'll find things to correct.
    I would like you to be able to discover it by playing it first before moving on to the test state, it would be cooler to discover the rooms in the mysterious atmosphere !
    THANK YOU again for your help.
    See you soon
  3. Like
    manic986 reacted to jetsetdanny in Willy in the Islands of Mystery : part II : The Temple   
    Hello Hervé and All,
    I am really excited - and, in fact, moved - to see "The Temple" in my mailbox, indeed the sequel awaited for 18 years... What a great and emotional moment! 😊
    I will start playing the game very soon, initially without a 'playtest mindframe', but rather to enjoy. Not right now, and this is because of real-life circumstances. I am struggling with a heavy workload, and the day after tomorrow I will be travelling for work, which means I will have to finish up various things at the office tomorrow and then get ready for the trip. However, during the trip (which will take me a week), I will have my personal laptop with me and I will be sure to find some leisure moments to enjoy Part II of "Willy in the Islands of Mystery" 🙂 .
    I will get back to you all soon with my first impressions 🙂 .
  4. Wow
    manic986 reacted to Hervé AST in Willy in the Islands of Mystery : part II : The Temple   
    Hello everyone

    I finished creating my new game "Willy in the Islands of Mystery / Part 2: The Temple"
    I tested everything.
    I'm going to play it for a few days and then Daniel will take over to test it as well and then program the music!
    I'm going to start programming a new game!
    See you soon

  5. Like
    manic986 got a reaction from Spider in The Worst Jet Set Willy Recreation Ever - JSW (or something similar to it) on Scratch   
    Well done. I had a quick go at it. I'd agree with making Willy brighter so that he is easier to see. Keep at it and you'll get there eventually. When I made Manic Miner I had to learn the Scratch way of doing things that I had no clue about when I started and I rewrote several parts over and over as I learned more. I'd still like to rewrite mine yet again now with everything I learned so far. I find the drag and drop code a bit on the hard side though so have avoided that last rewrite thus far. Anyway, my point is, don't be afraid to take it apart and use everything you've learned thus far. You will learn even more and just keep improving your coding technique with each iteration. Good luck!
  6. Sad
    manic986 reacted to jetsetdanny in RIP Martyn Brown   
    Martyn Brown, a co-author of "Henry's Hoard" (and hence also of "Willy's Hoard"), passed away on 28th December, 2024, at age 57. Some links to his obituaries:
    I've only learnt about this sad news today, thanks to a comment below the walkthrough of "Henry's Hoard" (1986 version) on the JSW Central YouTube channel.
    Thank you for your contribution to the JSW scene, Martyn! ❤️
  7. Like
    manic986 reacted to jetsetdanny in Willy in the Islands of Mystery : part II : The Temple   
    Hello Hervé !!! 😁
    I've only now seen your message and you won't be able to imagine how happy it's made me! YOU ARE BACK!!! OMG, this is just wonderful! 🙂You wouldn't believe how many times I've wondered if we will ever see Part II of "Willy in the Islands of Mystery" and other fantastic games from you. I have no doubts whatsoever that they will be fantastic if you choose to design them, and I am looking forward to "The Temple" very, very much indeed 😊.

    I will be happy to assist you with playtesting, making additional language versions or (as much as I'm able to) adding some special effects to the game.
    So welcome to this friendly forum 🙂 . I am sure you will find it interesting and the people here supportive and eager to play your new creations.
    As you've mentioned, your comeback is You Tube-related. I'm not sure if you have stumbled across my JSW Central channel, I do hope you have. It gives me a particular pleasure - and is very motivating for the development of the channel - that a number of 'old-timers' seem to have come back, or at least got in touch, thanks to seeing the walkthroughs of their games on the channel. This includes Sendy (Alex Cornhill), Adban de Corcy (Fabián Álvarez López), Igor Makovsky, Stuart J. Hill and Mat Doughty.
    So, once again, welcome back, I do look forward to "Willy in the Islands of Mystery (Part 2: The Temple)" and, just to remind you and whet everyone's appetite, the other game projects you were once thinking of were: "Welcome to Willy's Fun Park!", "Willy in the Land of the Cathars", "Willy Saves Maria", "Willy in the Great Pyramid"*, "Jet Set Willy: The Legend of the Pied Piper" and "Jet Set Willy: The Labyrinth". The old Yahoo! Group is no longer online, but I can provide the descriptions of these projects you once posted there if necessary 🙂 .
    * Geoff Eddy, another old-timer who has made a great comeback, released "Willy does the Great Pyramid!" four years ago. Contrary to what one might think, it's not Egypt-related, so if yours was supposed to be, there's no reason not to create it 😉 .
  8. Like
    manic986 reacted to Hervé AST in Willy in the Islands of Mystery : part II : The Temple   
    Hello Daniel and the whole community !
    I hope you're well.
    I happy to discover this group.
    I watched the vidéos JSW on YouTube with a lot of emotion and nostalgia.
    I didn't think that my game JET SET WILLY IN PARIS was still played and appreciated !
    I found LIVE videos of players playing my game, it’s just very touching.
    Everyone should know the enormous help you gave me in testing and releasing the game as well as the 3 others
    Thank you very much Daniel for always being so present and active so that the JSW games are still there and perhaps even more so than 20 years ago.
    This is what motivates me to come back after 18 years...
    It's also to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the release of my first game "Jet Set Willy in Paris in 2005 (first release).
    Since two week, I résumed creating my never finished game "Willy in the Islands of Mystery part II : the Temple.
    I found inspiraion again to create new rooms and new guardians. I completely redesigned the game.
    I think this game will be released before the end of 2025 at the latest.
    See you very soon !
    As a reminder the list of my previous games :
    Jet set Willy in Paris (2005) Willy on a Transatlantic Cruise (2007) Escape of the Snails 2007 Willy in the Islands of Mystery ( part 1 : Exploration) 2007
  9. Like
    manic986 got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Working on Manic Miner in Scratch   
    Ah yes. I have done that before... I always move my mouse away these days just in case. I quite like that escape route level though. Thanks for playing!
  10. Like
    manic986 got a reaction from SymbolShift in Working on Manic Miner in Scratch   
    Ah yes. I have done that before... I always move my mouse away these days just in case. I quite like that escape route level though. Thanks for playing!
  11. Like
    manic986 got a reaction from Spider in Working on Manic Miner in Scratch   
    Ah yes. I have done that before... I always move my mouse away these days just in case. I quite like that escape route level though. Thanks for playing!
  12. Thanks
    manic986 reacted to SymbolShift in Working on Manic Miner in Scratch   
    No, I got as far as "Leave yourself an escape route", which I think is close to the end. Unfortunately I hit the stop button at the top of the game thinking it would pause, but it restarted, totally my fault. I burnt through most of my lives in the "timing" room, which is something I clearly don't have!
  13. Like
    manic986 got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Working on Manic Miner in Scratch   
    @MtM - Thanks. No problem honestly.
    Btw. the game starts in infinite lives mode and just counts deaths. You can also press "d" on the title screen to switch the badly named "death mode" off and instead have 5 spare lives to complete all 20 levels. This should be pretty doable for folks on here I would imagine and shouldn't take that long. It's about 8 minutes or so if you don't lose any lives and know your way through the levels.
  14. Thanks
    manic986 reacted to SymbolShift in Working on Manic Miner in Scratch   
    I just gave 101 a try! I love the concept and it's originality.
    It's basically MM training, that helps you practice and familiarize yourself with certain principles of the game. If you have never played MM before, I can see how this could be very useful (before being thrown in the deep end with the actual game!).
  15. Thanks
    manic986 got a reaction from SymbolShift in Working on Manic Miner in Scratch   
    Hi all. I seem to have gone down some kind of Manic Miner rabbit hole...
    I had high hopes for doing other things this winter holidays but for some reason playing around with ideas for how a dumb version of Manic Miner of Manic Miner might look, I ended up with Manic Miner 101. It is not really aimed at "you lot" (used affectionately) in that it's rather simple. Still, why not give it a go and let me know what you think. The start is basic knowledge and skills so the levels are rather bare to give focus to a single task in hand. Gradually, they build up and are a bit more fun and better decorated.

  16. Thanks
    manic986 got a reaction from Spider in Working on Manic Miner in Scratch   
    @MtM - Thanks. No problem honestly.
    Btw. the game starts in infinite lives mode and just counts deaths. You can also press "d" on the title screen to switch the badly named "death mode" off and instead have 5 spare lives to complete all 20 levels. This should be pretty doable for folks on here I would imagine and shouldn't take that long. It's about 8 minutes or so if you don't lose any lives and know your way through the levels.
  17. Haha
    manic986 reacted to Norman Sword in TV mention   
    A clip from Coronation Street ITV. (British TV , soap) 

    Manic Miner, Jet Set Willy.

    Turns out - he was disappointed.

    JSW Manic Miner - Coronation Street.mp4
  18. Thanks
    manic986 reacted to MtM in Working on Manic Miner in Scratch   
    Yes that is it exactly with what happened to me, but I was playing on a pc through firefox, but perhaps I lost focus on firefox somehow. I will re-visit and try and get to the later screens. Apologies, I wasn't entirely happy with what I typed, it seemed a bit negative which I didn't mean it to be, as I say, your efforts are terrific with what you have created.
  19. Like
    manic986 got a reaction from MtM in Working on Manic Miner in Scratch   
    Btw, I should add that the last few levels should be fun and look more like a Manic Miner game.
    Also, my 8 year old just found an issue on the iPad where Miner Willy keeps walking right. It is basically caused by the mouse controls where the mouse, touch pad or touch screen is pressed on screen but it never gets unclicked as the pointer/focus is moved off screen before it was released. That is those silly mouse controls that are mostly sticky tape. Perhaps that was the same issue you found also. I can see it happening easily on some laptops. Could also be something else though I guess.
  20. Thanks
    manic986 got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Working on Manic Miner in Scratch   
    Hi all. I seem to have gone down some kind of Manic Miner rabbit hole...
    I had high hopes for doing other things this winter holidays but for some reason playing around with ideas for how a dumb version of Manic Miner of Manic Miner might look, I ended up with Manic Miner 101. It is not really aimed at "you lot" (used affectionately) in that it's rather simple. Still, why not give it a go and let me know what you think. The start is basic knowledge and skills so the levels are rather bare to give focus to a single task in hand. Gradually, they build up and are a bit more fun and better decorated.

  21. Like
    manic986 got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Working on Manic Miner in Scratch   
    Btw, I should add that the last few levels should be fun and look more like a Manic Miner game.
    Also, my 8 year old just found an issue on the iPad where Miner Willy keeps walking right. It is basically caused by the mouse controls where the mouse, touch pad or touch screen is pressed on screen but it never gets unclicked as the pointer/focus is moved off screen before it was released. That is those silly mouse controls that are mostly sticky tape. Perhaps that was the same issue you found also. I can see it happening easily on some laptops. Could also be something else though I guess.
  22. Like
    manic986 got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Working on Manic Miner in Scratch   
    Hi @MtM - no problem whatsoever. Thanks for giving it a go. I've played it through several times now in testing and haven't come across that particular issue yet. Will keep my eyes out for it. It is probably not level related.
    Totally understand about it not being in the spirit of the original. Mostly it's an experiment to see what will happen and if people will revisit the original where they may have given up before. I personally have friends who can't get past the yellow windup robot on the first level for some reason that I can't understand 🙂  I'm also hoping to draw some scratch kids into thinking that they can use my engine to make their own MM levels to see where that might go.  
  23. Thanks
    manic986 reacted to MtM in Working on Manic Miner in Scratch   
    I just had a go of this now. No criticism intended, but does not seem in the spirit of the original, which was simple enough, and held your hand enough for you to very soon observe how it all worked, then you could continue playing and learn how to get better at it. Also, there seemed to be a bug, on about the 5th or 6th level, MW kept walking to the right even though I was not pressing anything or on a conveyor etc. Modern games come with tutorials - but hard to see why MM needs one - the paragraph of instructions on the inlay card was enough for most games in those days. However, I envy your ability to create such a thing, and hopefully you can go on to create more MW content with your skills, just my opinion of course, and hopefully a measured one.
    As I say, not a criticism, I commend your efforts they are really impressive.
  24. Thanks
    manic986 got a reaction from Spider in Working on Manic Miner in Scratch   
    Hi @MtM - no problem whatsoever. Thanks for giving it a go. I've played it through several times now in testing and haven't come across that particular issue yet. Will keep my eyes out for it. It is probably not level related.
    Totally understand about it not being in the spirit of the original. Mostly it's an experiment to see what will happen and if people will revisit the original where they may have given up before. I personally have friends who can't get past the yellow windup robot on the first level for some reason that I can't understand 🙂  I'm also hoping to draw some scratch kids into thinking that they can use my engine to make their own MM levels to see where that might go.  
  25. Thanks
    manic986 got a reaction from Spider in Working on Manic Miner in Scratch   
    Btw, I should add that the last few levels should be fun and look more like a Manic Miner game.
    Also, my 8 year old just found an issue on the iPad where Miner Willy keeps walking right. It is basically caused by the mouse controls where the mouse, touch pad or touch screen is pressed on screen but it never gets unclicked as the pointer/focus is moved off screen before it was released. That is those silly mouse controls that are mostly sticky tape. Perhaps that was the same issue you found also. I can see it happening easily on some laptops. Could also be something else though I guess.
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