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Manic Miner in 48k with 40 rooms

Norman Sword

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I have played LiganTM's (modified) rooms in V6c5, starting from room 21, until room 32 "The Pronce's Palace".

I did not encounter any problems until "The Pronce's Palace" (who's Pronce, by the way? A variant of Prince?) I believe it's impassable, for the same reason that I reported earlier as related to the Kong switch (it's now also related to collecting one of the items). Once Willy has tripped the switch and collected the leftmost item, he cannot get down safely from this platform:


Pronce's Problem.jpg


So there's no way to complete this room.


I will continue the test tomorrow, either on V6c5 still or, if Norman Sword uploads another revision in the meantime, starting with "The Pronce's Palace" and continuing until the end of LiganTM's (modified) rooms in the new revision 🙂 .

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Just walk off the platform.

Just to the right and below the platform in question. Is a collapsing floor. Knowing it will collapse as you walk on it means that the initial jump upwards (at the beginning of the cavern) onto the collapsing floor. Must be followed by a right jump shortly after landing. This leaves enough remaining, to enable you to walk right from the problem platform. 

just walk.png

the jump_1.png

Edited by Norman Sword
Who stole those letters? typos
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Norman Sword,

Thanks for this tip! Obviously, that's the way to do it. When I considered the problem while on the "problematic" platform, I didn't remember that there had been a crumbling floor below. Oops! Shame on me 😧

However, I am facing another problem now. The green wall to the right of the portal (green and black, to be exact; green with black holes, kind of) seems to be lethal. It kills Willy when he emerges from the portal during a rightward jump (meant to allow him to go for the last item) or when Willy tries to walk right when inside the portal.

Please have a look at this screenshot:


Portal Problem.jpg


It is taken during the very beginning of a rightward jump, during which Willy would normally emerge from the portal and found himself on the conveyor. 

However, something kills Willy a split second (for lack of better time measurement) after this screenshot was taken, before all of Willy's body has emerged from the portal.

It's kind of as if there was an invisible Fire cell in the space where the middle part of the green wall used to be (this empty space was created, of course, after the left switch made this part of the green wall disappear).

Since the conveyor is a right conveyor, I believe it's not possible to go for the item located to the right of the upper part of the green wall I am discussing from the left, because there is no way to move leftward on the conveyor.

So you need to jump for it from the right, but this is where Willy gets killed by, as it seems, the green wall (with black holes). I think this wall is to blame, because when Willy is inside the portal and I try to walk to the right, without jumping, Willy also gets killed after a step or two. So it looks like the green wall is killing him.

So is it a critical bug or am I missing something here?

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Its 4am 
As they say "a picture is worth a thousand words" Just looking at the nice green and black wall, and the nice green and black bush(that is deadly to the touch). MMMMmmmm ... The wall is/was defined as a nasty, which is obvious when looking at it knowing it kills on touch. Very suprised it was not noticed earlier.

Wall colour (part of the the part erased) colour changed.

Final version - which can be played through all 40 caverns.

Instructions and re listed in the first post

Manic 40 Miner V6c6.tap

new colour.png

Edited by Norman Sword
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Thanks for V6c6, Norman Sword! 👍

I am pleased to report that I completed it, starting in room 32 "The Pronce's Palace", without any problems 😁. "Completed" meaning I passed the remaining LiganTM's rooms.

Since the completability of the original MM rooms and of the first 11 LiganTM's rooms has been confirmed before, I assume the game is fully completable now 🙂 .

Time permitting, I will start "processing" it for JSW Central tomorrow, i.e. play it again to record a nice RZX walkthrough, take screenshots of all caverns, and create an individual page for it with a description, links, etc.

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I've made some progress today, but it was slow due to unfavourable real-world circumstances. I am currently up to room 35 (completed), so I've got 5 rooms to go.

In fact, I recorded more rooms today in a sense: I re-recorded the ones I did two or three times, for the sake of quality. I managed to pull off some tight jumps, I hope they will look nice in the recording 😜.

To be continued...

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I am pleased to report that I have completed "Manic 40 Miner" V6c6 with a score of 67,853 points. This was achieved using Rollback, of course - I couldn't imagine achieving a remotely similar score without Rollback, or snapshot saving and reloading, or some other "aid" of this kind.

Chances are good that I will be able to prepare "Manic 40 Miner"'s individual page on JSW Central this weekend 🙂 .

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