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Truncated Posts


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There were a few (and it was iirc less than the number of fingers I have) that got truncated and Danny pointed a few out that I was then able to correct. I'll take a look at that either later today or over the weekend. I'll be able to manually fix it if needed from a backup all being well. 🙂

If any more should come to light (unlikely I thought we'd got them all!) please let me know.

EDIT... I -do- recall one of the 'fixed' ones from when we re-opened , the backup was also similar truncated too for some reason. I did test a backup 'bare metal restore disaster recovery' at that moment in time to be sure I was not keeping broken backups and they did restore fine with those odd truncated exceptions.


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I've noticed it quite a few times actually, but forgot to mention it at the time.

Every single post by Zub, for example!  (I was searching back through his previous posts for something, and noticed it.  But he doesn't seem to visit the site any more, so I didn't prioritise reporting it then.)

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I did notice a number of broken posts beyond those I reported to Andy initially.

I did not report the following ones, because a) I didn't have time to do it the time and, more importantly, b) I think this problem would have to somehow be solved "systemically" or "automatically" so to speak - while individual posts that we notice are broken could be corrected one by one, I guess, but then we'll never know how many others remain broken that we haven't come across. What's more, I can't imagine anyone - neither Andy, nor myself, nor anyone else - going through everything that was posted on the forum post by post (all +13000 of them!) and correcting the problems manually.

It's certainly a pity that this issue has occurred, but I think it should be solved by determining why it happened (what makes some posts broken, but not others) and - if possible - correcting it with one click throughout the site, as it were. I'm not sure that's possible at all, though, and it's certainly beyond my abilities.

Do you have any other ideas? Would you like me to point out every broken post I come across, Andy?

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Its not quite as simple as it appears. They have to be manually put back, tbh the easiest way is to simply do a copy/paste directly upon the post in question.

The way the post data is stored is also different between v3 and v4 too (although tbh this is not a huge concern)

I would like a list if possible of anything missing as although its not too difficult in itself, it is quite time consuming.

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I think it'll be a case of us reporting as and when we come across a post that looks truncated in the time ahead. Starting with the following one, which is quite important as it's the head of a topic so a lot of essential information about the file in question appears to be missing (and is also missing from the associated Download page accessed by clicking the 'View File' button):


Although if a post is truncated at the end of a sentence or paragraph, it might not always be obvious that anything is missing!

Edited by IRF
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9 minutes ago, IRF said:

If the info can't be retrieved from archive then it might be available from JSWCentral?

Take a look at the download descriptor and its auto-generated topic for it now please.

Its not 100% however 95% of the content (links aside) were put back. You may wish to alter the formatting of it a fraction or two.

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Is it just me, or do some older posts get truncated when you view them?

I've just skimmed through the thread concerning 'Jet Set Jason in Roddenwald' (in the 'Remakes' section).  Judging by the number of missing/broken posts in that short(ish) thread, this may be a bigger problem than previously thought!  (If that thread is typical of the whole website - hopefully not!?)

However, any public (non-Contributor) post/thread prior to January 2020 should be available via the Wayback Machine?  So that provides a kind of solution for much of the site's content.

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