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Jswed2 Suggestions


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Well one of the reasons as to why my 256 room project has been all but abandoned shelved is because i didn't begin any sort of play-testing until i was about 120 or so rooms in, then when loading it into various emulators that i have at my disposal the game loads ok but after pressing Enter to start it just crashes and resets .. i'm currently waiting on delivery of a 128+3 so i am going to try it out on that when it arrives... 

Long shot but try loading it first with the 'Tape Loader' (so its 128K mode) , if it still crashes:


Don't switch to 48K mode in the menu, instead enter 128K Basic and either type in SPECTRUM or USR 0 to reset it to 48K mode, this should still leave ( ! ) the 128K memory and facilities available.


It should be recoverable though, were you manually using the hex editor ? :unsure:

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Well one of the reasons as to why my 256 room project has been all but abandoned shelved is because i didn't begin any sort of play-testing until i was about 120 or so rooms in, then when loading it into various emulators that i have at my disposal the game loads ok but after pressing Enter to start it just crashes and resets .. i'm currently waiting on delivery of a 128+3 so i am going to try it out on that when it arrives... 




I am positive that since you've put so much work into the project already, one way or another we will figure out what the problem is (asking John Elliott for help as a last resort).


For the time being, could you tell us which is the starting room (room number in JSWED)? If it's above 33 or so, try moving it to a lower number. Or just try setting the starting point to a safe location in room 00 or 01. Have you tried that by any chance? I am asking because I remember in the past there was a problem with starting rooms "above" a certain number.


You could also send me the file (e.g. uploading it here in a new PM thread, if you want, or straight to my e-mail address visible here) and I would have a look at it to see if there is anything I can do about it :).

Edited by jetsetdanny
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think i know what the problem is, i'm using my own modified version of JSW where i fixed the conveyors by putting in the modified code in an alternative location to where Skoolkid originally suggested .. think i might need to relocate it elsewhere

Sounds a promising idea/thought. :)


As daft as it sounds (sorry!) always take and then work on a copy to make changes, the amount of 'issues' I've created for myself (not JSW just generally) with thinking ' its fine ' and then finding out its not after.. :lol: :unsure:

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  • 2 years later...

Single-cell ramps


In Message 4969 of the Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy Yahoo! Group (2005-10-22), I wrote:

"JSWED should allow you to grow a ramp or conveyor off the vertical edges of the screen (but should not allow you to grow a ramp off the top of the screen). I like to exploit wraparound ramps and conveyors in my games, so of all my suggestions, this should be one of the highest priorities."

I'm now trying to put a single-cell '\' ramp in the leftmost column of a certain room in a JSW48 game, but JSWED won't let me do it. It seems that the only way to make a single-cell ramp is to grow it to two cells and then shrink it back to one, and JSWED won't let me grow it off the left edge of the screen.

The same applies, mutatis mutandis, to trying to put a single-cell '/' ramp in the rightmost column.

Don't get excited: I'm not planning to release a new game anytime soon.

Edited by andrewbroad
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"Soon" would be within the next twenty years, if I will always be as busy as I have been in the last decade.


I ended up using my own Jet Set Willy Construction Kit (JSW CK) in the RealSpec emulator to add my ramp, followed by SPECSAISIE's Split function and my Java Cat program to reconstitute the TAP file.

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