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[File] Jet Set Lemmy

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Jet Set Lemmy

Silly little Jet Set Willy hack i made during the start of this year.

Mostly the JSW1 rooms with alterations (mostly to make it easier, because i kinda suck at JSW), and i also changed a lot of the sprites.

It's in Spanish, and i don't plan on making an English version since the room names are all basically translations from original JSW (with a few exceptions) and i'm gonna be too busy to make one (school, and other stuff)

I don't know if it's fully completable but i think every item should be obtainable.

I planned to add either Humoresque or the CPC track but i didn't like Maketune and i couldn't figure out any other way.



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Thank you for this file, lemmylemming! 👍I look forward very much to playing it and adding it to one of the lists of games on JSW Central very soon! 🙂

When I add your game on JSW Central, how should I credit you - as "lemmylemming" or perhaps your real name (if so, what is it?), or both, or something else still? Please advise.

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I like your game and colours! 🙂 Especially title screen! It´s easy for me, but as you said, you did it for yourself, so I don´t mind. 🙂 

It´s a nice feature that you made Willy to wear different coloured jacket and pants. 👍

I also noticed you included a certain Atari game there. 😉

Edited by Jet Set Willie
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Found out i'm unable to keep promises.

The cavern names are from the Spanish translation by Ventamatic.

I'm not sure if i'll post this version (1.2.0), hopefully though since it's actually adding content.

I won't rush it because of my bedtime like i did with 1.1.5 (i had to make 1.1.6 which i almost left rotting in my hard drive because of the promise)

Included 1.1.6 because i don't want to leave it abandoned in my hard drive.

PS: ignore the file name for 1.1.6 , i wasn't exactly happy i had to make a fix right after i promised no more edits.




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Thanks once again for this release, Francisco (lemmyleming)! 👍I am going to post the results of my playtest below and I do hope that you will do a little more work on this project to make it completable 🙂 .



On 3/13/2025 at 9:26 PM, lemmylemming said:

ignore the file name for 1.1.6 , i wasn't exactly happy i had to make a fix right after i promised no more edits.

I would not promise no more edits without playtesting the game to completion first. The game does need some more editing for reasons I will explain below



Well, first of all, it was the pleasure to explore Willy's mansion and its vicinity modified in various ways in the 128K of the JSW128 game engine 😊.


The things I particularly like:

- the title screen (even though, if it was my project, I would make the name more easily legible);

- the in-game music;

- the modification of some of the JSW sprites;

- in "Rescata a Esmerelda" (014) how you can come for the two items from the room above, but cannot do anything else in this room, or, alternatively, how you how to leave this room upwards if you come for the items from below;

- the hole in "La playa" (058) which makes you think that there is a downward exit, but there isn't one;

- the two new rooms "The Night Sky" (064) and "Deep Swim" (065). However, I have only seen them in JSWED, because I don't think they can be accessed when playing the game without using the Writetyper cheat.


Unfortunately, the game is incompletable due to several critical errors. 

I have been able to collect 124 items, out of a total of 142. I had to sacrifice 1 life to collect the items in "La Isla (aburrida no?)" (047). 18 items are impossible to collect as far as I can tell. These are:

- 6 items on three platforms in the middle of the room in "Un monton de vasos" (021). I don't see how you can collect them. Hint: if you want to solve the problem without modifying the room, enable the Superjump feature for this room. I believe it should do the trick. The Superjump can be enabled in "Options" - "General".

- 2 items in the room "Linda vista no?" (013). The problem with this room is that the vertical guardian hits the white square on top of its trajectory, which kills Willy. It happens a couple of seconds after entering the room, so there's not time to do anything useful inside it. The easiest way to solve the problem would be by deleting the white square. Alternatively, the guardian's upper limit could be lowered so as to avoid the square, but the change in this guardian class (2d) would also happen in other rooms if the same guardian class is used elsewhere (I didn't check).

- 1 item in the room "Encima de la casa" (044). Willy gets killed immediately and repeatedly after entering this room. The reason for this is that the colour attributes of the Water cells (which Willy touches right after entering the room, both at the upper and at the lower level) are the same as the colour attributes of the Fire cells, so that the Water cells effectively behave as Fire. An easy solution for this is to change one (or both) of the colour attributes of the Water cells or one (or both) of the colour attributes of the Fire cells.

- 1 item in the room "La logia" (053). Willy gets killed immediately and repeatedly after entering this room. The reason for this is that the colour attributes of the Fire cells are the same as those of Willy (Ink 7, Paper 0) and this kills Willy. For this reason this room is also impassable, which complicates the route. An easy solution for this is to change the colour attributes of the Fire cells so that they are not what they are now.

- 6 items in the room "The Night Sky" (064) - I don't see how this room could be accessed during gameplay without using the Writetyper cheat. I don't believe the completability of a game should depend on using the Writetyper cheat. So I would suggest finding a way to access this room from one of the edited rooms.

- 2 items in the room "Deep Swim" (065) - I don't see how this room could be accessed during gameplay without using the Writetyper cheat. I don't believe the completability of a game should depend on using the Writetyper cheat. So I would suggest finding a way to access this room from one of the edited rooms.


The issues described above are critical because they make the game incompletable. So I would strongly suggest to correct them. There are also some other issues that are not critical, but I believe the game would be much better if they were corrected. Here they are:

- When you exit "Nido en una rama" (007) to go back leftwards to "Dentro del MEGA TRONCO" (008), you encounter a nasty Multiple-Death Scenario (MDS) in "Dentro del MEGA TRONCO" because of stepping on a Fire cell. This can be avoided, but you have to jump exiting "Nido en una rama". You could argue that the player has just been to "Dentro del MEGA TRONCO", so they should have seen that jumping is what they have to do on their way back. That's true, but still, I would suggest eliminating this MDS, because it is pretty nasty (moving the two yellow colums of Fire cells at least one block to the left would solve the problem).

-  In the room "Y esas caras raras?" (020) I believe it is impossible to pass below the yellow vertical guardian when going leftwards (it's moving too fast). This makes this room impassable from right to left at the floor level, which complicates the route very significantly. I would suggest slowing the guardian down (or adding another ladder to its right or some other element that would allow the player to jump over it leftwards) to make the room passable in both directions.

- Jumping up from "Y que hace Satanas aqui?" (038) leads to a nasty Multiple-Death Scenario in "En camino a la isla" (060). I would suggest eliminating this, as it's unfair - there is nothing to warn the player that they should not jump up to leave "Y que hace Satanas aqui?".

- It's nice to see the room "La Isla (aburrida no?)" (047). However, there are three problems with it.

One is that entering this room after leaving "El Hoyo Misterioso" to the right leads to a nasty and unfair Multiple-Death Scenario. I would suggest eliminating this (if there is no other way, by closing the right exit from "El Hoyo Misterioso", or perhaps making it lead to "Deep Swim" (065) (after modifying it so that the player doesn't fall to their death after entering "Deep Swim").

The second problem is that because Water and Ramp cells have the same colour attributes in "La Isla (aburrida no?)", they are Water-Ramp cells. This makes it very easy for Willy to fall down into the room below, which is "La playa" (058) (it's actually not very logical that the beach is below the deserted isle - it should be to the right or left of it, not below). And this fall results in a nasty Multiple-Death Scenario if Willy isn't caught by the rope, which happened to me a number of times. I believe that making Water cells be Water cells only (by changing their colour attributes or those of the Ramp cells so that they are not the same) would solve this problem.

The third problem is that after collecting the items (or at least the leftmost item), there is no way to go back to "En camino a la isla" (060), so the player needs to lose a life to be able to go back and continue playing the game. I believe that making Water cells be Water cells only (by changing their colour attributes or those of the Ramp cells so that they are not the same) should solve also this problem.

- In the room "La torre" if the player lands on the added uppermost platform (coming from another room, I can't remember which one off the top of my head), if the player wants to jump up to go back to the room they've come from, they emerge again in "La torre", but this time at the bottom of the room, and immediately fall down into "Chiste no funciona en Espanol" (016) where they face another nasty Multiple-Death Scenario. I believe this could be corrected by setting the upwards exit from "La torre" to the room whose name I don't remember from which the player can go down onto that uppermost platform in "La torre".


Those would be my observations regarding the various issues I have encountered. I may have missed a problem or two. In any case, I would be happy to playtest the game again when the bugs described above have been corrected and report any additional issue I may encounter 🙂 .

I would also suggest editing the font so that more diacritical Spanish characters can be used instead of symbols that are not used anywhere. So for example creating an "á", or a "¿" or any of the other ones that are missing from the room names. I also have a number of comments concerning the accuracy of the Spanish room names, but I will present them later, or perhaps via a PM.


My other suggestion would be to use the unused items to add them in places where currently the player doesn't have to go, like e.g. in "Un buen desafio" (026) - so that the player has to go on the right side of the main column, on the left side of "Trepando el arbol" (036), above the highest platform in the lower half of the room on the right side of "Debajo del techo" (042), etc.

So, Francisco, I hope you will bring the game to a state of completability and I look forward to being able to play it again to make sure it doesn't have any more problems 😊.

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