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MichaelAnype joined the community
Lavilltus started following Welcome back!
Lavilltus joined the community
I don´t care about that game, but I think the name is great for another new JSW game. 🙂 Maybe we should "hijack" that name for a next project? 👍
SarPeazy joined the community
Jet Set Willie reacted to a post in a topic: [File] Jet Set Lemmy
JasonMoilm started following Post number 10000! , Please suggest a JSW editor. , Editing other platforms and 1 other
Namaste Im a would be convert and would like to ask for suggestions for Hindu organizations with an online presence and preferably an online community that are open to converts and enquirers. The question is not just for me but all other English-speaking enquirers / potential converts who do not have any Hindu organizations in their area or even city, town, county etc.. Thank you in advance ૐ
Its turn has now come 🙂 . I have added "JSW - 2024" to the list of Versions and minor mods of the original Jet Set Willy on JSW Central. Its individual webpage is here. Andy, please have a look at it and let me know if the description and information given about "JSW - 2024" is correct and to your liking 🙂 . I have played the game to completion (it was a pleasure! 🙂) and I managed to complete it at 11:09 pm in-game time. The RZX recording of my walkthrough can be downloaded from the game's page on JSW Central linked above. A screenshot gallery will be added to the page in the future when time allows it. I will also make a YouTube video of my walkthrough, but this will have to wait until a future time when I add videos of Versions and minor mods of the original JSW, rather than of what I classify as new games, to the channel.
- Yesterday
This assumes PGCN 3 actually plays the movie, instead of returning to the PGC or another PGC. You may need to change the PGCN to one which Jumps to the title Jump VTS_TT. Regards
LandonCob joined the community
Same here. There needs to be a way to programmatically delete this data. Also, it looks like it is just stored in a text file. Will it ever be incorporated into a database for better performance?
Hervé AST reacted to a post in a topic: Willy in the Islands of Mystery : part II : The Temple
- Last week
i never used any tile editor for my gen dev , im using genitile map generation functions, the gba one can be interesting if you can set attributes. thanks for the pointer
jetsetdanny reacted to a file: JSW - 2024
Thanks once again for this release, Francisco (lemmyleming)! 👍I am going to post the results of my playtest below and I do hope that you will do a little more work on this project to make it completable 🙂 . I would not promise no more edits without playtesting the game to completion first. The game does need some more editing for reasons I will explain below (WARNING!: MY COMMENTS WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS). Well, first of all, it was the pleasure to explore Willy's mansion and its vicinity modified in various ways in the 128K of the JSW128 game engine 😊. The things I particularly like: - the title screen (even though, if it was my project, I would make the name more easily legible); - the in-game music; - the modification of some of the JSW sprites; - in "Rescata a Esmerelda" (014) how you can come for the two items from the room above, but cannot do anything else in this room, or, alternatively, how you how to leave this room upwards if you come for the items from below; - the hole in "La playa" (058) which makes you think that there is a downward exit, but there isn't one; - the two new rooms "The Night Sky" (064) and "Deep Swim" (065). However, I have only seen them in JSWED, because I don't think they can be accessed when playing the game without using the Writetyper cheat. Unfortunately, the game is incompletable due to several critical errors. I have been able to collect 124 items, out of a total of 142. I had to sacrifice 1 life to collect the items in "La Isla (aburrida no?)" (047). 18 items are impossible to collect as far as I can tell. These are: - 6 items on three platforms in the middle of the room in "Un monton de vasos" (021). I don't see how you can collect them. Hint: if you want to solve the problem without modifying the room, enable the Superjump feature for this room. I believe it should do the trick. The Superjump can be enabled in "Options" - "General". - 2 items in the room "Linda vista no?" (013). The problem with this room is that the vertical guardian hits the white square on top of its trajectory, which kills Willy. It happens a couple of seconds after entering the room, so there's not time to do anything useful inside it. The easiest way to solve the problem would be by deleting the white square. Alternatively, the guardian's upper limit could be lowered so as to avoid the square, but the change in this guardian class (2d) would also happen in other rooms if the same guardian class is used elsewhere (I didn't check). - 1 item in the room "Encima de la casa" (044). Willy gets killed immediately and repeatedly after entering this room. The reason for this is that the colour attributes of the Water cells (which Willy touches right after entering the room, both at the upper and at the lower level) are the same as the colour attributes of the Fire cells, so that the Water cells effectively behave as Fire. An easy solution for this is to change one (or both) of the colour attributes of the Water cells or one (or both) of the colour attributes of the Fire cells. - 1 item in the room "La logia" (053). Willy gets killed immediately and repeatedly after entering this room. The reason for this is that the colour attributes of the Fire cells are the same as those of Willy (Ink 7, Paper 0) and this kills Willy. For this reason this room is also impassable, which complicates the route. An easy solution for this is to change the colour attributes of the Fire cells so that they are not what they are now. - 6 items in the room "The Night Sky" (064) - I don't see how this room could be accessed during gameplay without using the Writetyper cheat. I don't believe the completability of a game should depend on using the Writetyper cheat. So I would suggest finding a way to access this room from one of the edited rooms. - 2 items in the room "Deep Swim" (065) - I don't see how this room could be accessed during gameplay without using the Writetyper cheat. I don't believe the completability of a game should depend on using the Writetyper cheat. So I would suggest finding a way to access this room from one of the edited rooms. The issues described above are critical because they make the game incompletable. So I would strongly suggest to correct them. There are also some other issues that are not critical, but I believe the game would be much better if they were corrected. Here they are: - When you exit "Nido en una rama" (007) to go back leftwards to "Dentro del MEGA TRONCO" (008), you encounter a nasty Multiple-Death Scenario (MDS) in "Dentro del MEGA TRONCO" because of stepping on a Fire cell. This can be avoided, but you have to jump exiting "Nido en una rama". You could argue that the player has just been to "Dentro del MEGA TRONCO", so they should have seen that jumping is what they have to do on their way back. That's true, but still, I would suggest eliminating this MDS, because it is pretty nasty (moving the two yellow colums of Fire cells at least one block to the left would solve the problem). - In the room "Y esas caras raras?" (020) I believe it is impossible to pass below the yellow vertical guardian when going leftwards (it's moving too fast). This makes this room impassable from right to left at the floor level, which complicates the route very significantly. I would suggest slowing the guardian down (or adding another ladder to its right or some other element that would allow the player to jump over it leftwards) to make the room passable in both directions. - Jumping up from "Y que hace Satanas aqui?" (038) leads to a nasty Multiple-Death Scenario in "En camino a la isla" (060). I would suggest eliminating this, as it's unfair - there is nothing to warn the player that they should not jump up to leave "Y que hace Satanas aqui?". - It's nice to see the room "La Isla (aburrida no?)" (047). However, there are three problems with it. One is that entering this room after leaving "El Hoyo Misterioso" to the right leads to a nasty and unfair Multiple-Death Scenario. I would suggest eliminating this (if there is no other way, by closing the right exit from "El Hoyo Misterioso", or perhaps making it lead to "Deep Swim" (065) (after modifying it so that the player doesn't fall to their death after entering "Deep Swim"). The second problem is that because Water and Ramp cells have the same colour attributes in "La Isla (aburrida no?)", they are Water-Ramp cells. This makes it very easy for Willy to fall down into the room below, which is "La playa" (058) (it's actually not very logical that the beach is below the deserted isle - it should be to the right or left of it, not below). And this fall results in a nasty Multiple-Death Scenario if Willy isn't caught by the rope, which happened to me a number of times. I believe that making Water cells be Water cells only (by changing their colour attributes or those of the Ramp cells so that they are not the same) would solve this problem. The third problem is that after collecting the items (or at least the leftmost item), there is no way to go back to "En camino a la isla" (060), so the player needs to lose a life to be able to go back and continue playing the game. I believe that making Water cells be Water cells only (by changing their colour attributes or those of the Ramp cells so that they are not the same) should solve also this problem. - In the room "La torre" if the player lands on the added uppermost platform (coming from another room, I can't remember which one off the top of my head), if the player wants to jump up to go back to the room they've come from, they emerge again in "La torre", but this time at the bottom of the room, and immediately fall down into "Chiste no funciona en Espanol" (016) where they face another nasty Multiple-Death Scenario. I believe this could be corrected by setting the upwards exit from "La torre" to the room whose name I don't remember from which the player can go down onto that uppermost platform in "La torre". Those would be my observations regarding the various issues I have encountered. I may have missed a problem or two. In any case, I would be happy to playtest the game again when the bugs described above have been corrected and report any additional issue I may encounter 🙂 . I would also suggest editing the font so that more diacritical Spanish characters can be used instead of symbols that are not used anywhere. So for example creating an "á", or a "¿" or any of the other ones that are missing from the room names. I also have a number of comments concerning the accuracy of the Spanish room names, but I will present them later, or perhaps via a PM. My other suggestion would be to use the unused items to add them in places where currently the player doesn't have to go, like e.g. in "Un buen desafio" (026) - so that the player has to go on the right side of the main column, on the left side of "Trepando el arbol" (036), above the highest platform in the lower half of the room on the right side of "Debajo del techo" (042), etc. So, Francisco, I hope you will bring the game to a state of completability and I look forward to being able to play it again to make sure it doesn't have any more problems 😊.
JianYang reacted to a post in a topic: Jet Set Radio
jetsetdanny reacted to a post in a topic: JSW for Camputers Lynx
jetsetdanny reacted to a post in a topic: JSW for Camputers Lynx
jetsetdanny reacted to a post in a topic: JSW for Camputers Lynx
Back in 2000 they called "Jet Set Willy" an "ancient Sinclair Spectrum Game". So what should call it now - a "prehistoric" one? 🤣 Or perhaps rather "the game that has been with us since time immemorial" 😊.
jetsetdanny reacted to a post in a topic: Jet Set Radio
Willy in the Islands of Mystery : part II : The Temple
jetsetdanny replied to Hervé AST's topic in Remakes
I finished "The Temple" for the first time a few days ago. It was a great pleasure to play, and actually quite an emotional experience for me after waiting for it for 18 years 😊. It is certainly worth the wait, though! I like the game a lot. It features Hervé's numerous signature themes that I like so much: mysteries, references to space and the planets, the UFOs, ancient civilizations, exotic animals and movies. And, of course, there is Yeti, as there is one in every game of Hervé's... well, there's even more than one, but I will not reveal the exact details of this 🙂 . "The Temple" has a lot of nice graphics, some interesting challenges (that would be VERY frustrating if I wasn't using Rollback when playing), and also some well-known sprites from Hervé's previous games that have now become classics. So, all in all, I am pretty sure you will enjoy exploring it and gathering the 256 items 🙂 . But before you do, I would like - with Hervé's kind permission and encouragement - to add some freshly-coded music to it. It will take me a while (with my spare time being severely limited and my other JSW-related activities running in parallel), so please bear with me. Thanks again, Hervé, for letting me carry out the first playtest of "Willy in the Islands of Mystery (Part II: The Temple)"! 👍It was a true privilege and a great pleasure 😊. -
Mike reacted to a post in a topic: JSW for Camputers Lynx
Hervé AST reacted to a post in a topic: Jet Set Radio
Oh yes, indeed they do. I think the new BBC and Electron conversions are brilliant, and show what was theoretically possible back in the day if you really took the trouble to do a good conversion job. It's worth pointing out, though, that to some extent it's been achieved by clever techniques such as changing screen mode partway down the screen (in effect) so that the upper part of the display is in one mode and the lower in another. In effect, that allows for two benefits: less screen memory being wasted unnecessarily, and more colours being displayed at once than is theoretically possible. It's quite a common trick on the BBC to mix two or more screen modes in this way (e.g. in Elite, the instrument display at the bottom of the screen is in a different screen mode than the wireframe 3D graphics and text display in the main area above it), and its main downside is that it's quite hard for the programmer to do! Anyway, yes, the new BBC versions of MM and JSW are indeed much closer to the originals than the official conversions. They look better, play better and are smoother, faster and less flickery. A real expert job. Of course, to be fair to the original programmer, the conversions done back in the 80s were probably produced under much greater time pressure, and the programmer back then may not have been familiar with certain techniques that are well known to today's retro hobbyists. I don't mean to be unkind about the original BBC conversions; at least BBC versions were released back then! But the modern releases are, of course, hobby projects, written by an enthusiast who really knows what he's doing, in his own time without pressure to be ready for a commercial deadline, so of course they're very much better.
Spider started following Jet Set Radio
- Must admit, I had never heard of this before...
To be fair the 'rebuilt' Manic Miner and JSW1 for these are much improved and have a 'spectrum' feel to them.
I look forward to seeing this 🙂
I thought it must be something like that. The Spectrum (especially the 48K version) was fairly unusual for having a comparatively large amount of free memory available, partly because 48K was relatively generous compared to the 32K that was common on many other machines, and the fact that its screen required only a little under 7K of it, leaving loads of room for code and data. There was a little over 40K of usable RAM on a 48K Spectrum, which was a lot, really. Contrast in particular with the BBC Micro. That too was a great machine with many fantastic features, but it was so hampered by its lack of RAM and its hungry screen modes. A decade later, Acorn's approach to screen modes showed its worth on the Archimedes range, but on the BBC they demanded an uncomfortably high percentage of available RAM. A 32K BBC Micro only had about 27K of usable RAM at best, and then the more demanding screen modes (the ones with high resolutions or all the available colours) ate up 20K of it, leaving only around 7K or so for the program. (You could compare it to a 16K Spectrum in terms of available program/data memory.) This is why I was always such a supporter of the Spectrum's eccentric approach to its screen display. Yes, character-level colour resolution (leading to the dreaded attribute clash) was a major compromise, BUT it did mean that you could always have full resolution and all the colours on the screen at once, with no further sacrifices to be made… and it still took up only a very modest amount of RAM. Not only was it a great solution to the problem, but it gave the Spectrum most of its character! The BBC's trick up its sleeve was Teletext (MODE 7) graphics, and that brought similar benefits: a colourful screen mode with a useful resolution (40x25 characters) in only 1K of RAM. Very useful, but its big compromises were (a) character-based colours AND graphics and (b) graphics of only an extremely low resolution (2x3 per character space). This did, of course, mean that you couldn't really do graphical games in Teletext, other than mainly text adventures with very primitive illustrations. Mind you, having said that, it's not long since someone produced a version of Elite (yes, the 3D space game) that runs entirely in Teletext mode, just to prove a point. (It has extremely low resolution graphics, as you'd expect, but it works and is an interesting novelty.) Anyway, I know very little about the Lynx, but with 96K or 128K of RAM and graphics with pixel-resolution colour, it ought in theory to have been able to do really impressive things. It's a shame that it apparently had such limitations as it did (i.e. extremely slow graphics handling and seemingly an inability to scroll its screen – based on reviews I've read in the past). Even so, games like JSW ought to have worked well on that machine, I'd have thought. As a matter of interest regarding the Jynx emulator… I'm interested to notice that on its Github page, there's already provision for a Mac build, and the author explicitly says he'd like a RISC OS version too, particularly for use on the Raspberry Pi. (RISC OS is an OS very close to my heart.) The only reason these things don't exist is that no-one with the appropriate expertise has stepped up to do the porting, which is a great shame. It's a pity that Jynx wasn't written sooner, because RISC OS actually used to be absolutely awash with good emulators; it was by far the best platform for emulating other systems at one time, and I can think of a few people from years gone by who'd probably have jumped at the chance of producing a RISC OS version of Jynx. But the world moves on…
The Lynx 48K only has about 14k of useable RAM - the rest is mainly graphics ram. This isn't so unusual - back in the day, the Spectrum originally only had 16k (although they dropped that version fairly quickly). One of the selling points of the Lynx was that it could be upgraded (albeit by returning it, to be factory upgraded). So the "48k" label was creative marketing! The lynx had four 8k colour banks, which was rather generous at the time. But it did raise the question "where's all my ram gone?" as soon as you got it home.
dwaynehKab joined the community
Thanks for all that. That's odd about JSW not loading on a 48K machine, because the advert does imply that there's a reduced-size version of the game for that system. Given that both sizes of machine were available at the same time, the implication is that the game distinguishes between them and loads the appropriate code. (Or perhaps there's a cut down version on the other side of the tape?) Anyway, if the version that's been preserved is the full one then that's the most important thing. I also find it curious that a 96K Lynx was needed to run JSW in full anyway, since the game was written originally for the 48K Spectrum, and its code and data is in fact only 32K in size anyway! But of course, the Lynx is a totally different system architecture, and maybe it needs loads of memory for its screen, for example. (The Spectrum's screen was very efficient, at under 7K.) I'll look into Jynx, thanks. Shame there's no Mac version, but I'm sure it'll run under Crossover or some other emulation/virtualisation option.
Mike changed their profile photo
My version is 96k only. When they upgraded the Lynx 48k to 96k, they also upgraded a few rom routines, which means it won't even load on a 48k (you get a "not yet implemented" error message). It's no problem these days, because most Lynx enthusiasts will upgrade to 96k anyway. My favourite for simplicity is "Jynx". It's very robust and well written, by Jonathan Markland. Its seems to run *almost* all Lynx software. "Pale" lacks polish, and can be overly complicated (although very feature rich for hardcore enthusiasts/developers). Both are PC mainly, although you may find a linux variant. As you say, neither are actively maintained. I occasionally use Mame, but it can be confusing to configure. I have had fun using it's inbuilt debugger though, to step through the Lynx ROM code, etc.
Thank you. Pleased to be among fellow retro enthusiasts!
JasonMoilm joined the community
- Earlier
I use a Macbook pro, I really should get this to work as well and create my masterpiece! 😉
Bravo to everyone involved, real bit of JSW history here, thank you.
Thanks for this, Richard - it's very interesting! 👍
I looked up the source of the above advert – thanks, Mike, for the link. There are some pretty interesting-looking Lynx newsletters to be found in the archive. Unfortunately, there's very little to go on in terms of dates, and this newsletter (Lynx User Group, volume 1 issue 3) contains no such information that I could spot. However, having said that, I've concluded that it comes from 1985. Looking through it, I was interested to discover a review of the Lynx version of Jet Set Willy on page 3. I suppose it's quite possible that other such newsletters will have reviewed the game, but this is, to date, the only review of the Lynx version I've seen anywhere, so I thought it might be interesting to reproduce it here. Interesting points to note: 1. Apparently the game took a year to appear on the Lynx after its release on the Spectrum. JSW was released in 1984, so I presume the game and this newsletter must have been published in 1985. 2. The Lynx version was apparently supplied with the Spectrum version of the cassette inlay! 3. From the reviewer's experience, the Lynx version is more demanding than the Spectrum original (which can only mean that its collision detection is less precise, since the Spectrum version is pixel-perfect), and apparently contains a bug in the Wine Cellar which is not in the Spectrum original (though Spectrum bugs are not reproduced on the Lynx either). Anyway, here's a transcription of the review. It's been done via OCR (I didn't retype it!), and the formatting maintains the single-column presentation of the original (from page 3 of the newsletter). The text is unedited, except that I've corrected a small handful of typos. JETSETWILLY *********** Many popular home computer magazines voted JETSET WILLY the Spectrum game of the year in 1983, which shows how far behind the LYNX tags behind in the software stakes. Still, it’s a ‘classic’ game, and none the worse for its age a year in home computing is a long time! JETSET is actually the ‘sequel’ to MANIC MINER, but many people rate it a better game. The object of the game is to guide the hero, Willy, around his mansion after a party, collecting all the glasses, and having done so, Willy will be allowed to go to bed. This sounds simple, but little could be farther from the truth! The game has umpteen screens, each of which roughly corresponds to a “room” in Willy’s mansion, and allowing for walls and stairs you can move between them quite freely, you don’t have to complete one room before moving on to the next (as in MANIC MINER). The rooms are full of moving objects and characters, touching any of which will lose one life. Sometimes things you think are objects, turn out to be fatal. Using the arrow keys for left and right and RETURN to jump to manoeuvre around, leap between platforms and over moving objects. Timing successive leaps to avoid numerous objects moving at differing speeds and judging exactly where to jump from, to land on very narrow platforms becomes more and more complex the further you go in the mansion. Sometimes rooms seem impossible at first and require careful thought, timing and dexterity! If you are completely stuck, ask a Spectrum owner, but beware! There are subtle differences between the LYNX and Spectrum versions, generally that the LYNX is less forgiving and stricter. Some rooms which are absurdly easy on the Spectrom version, require care on the LYNX, personally I think this is a bit of an improvement. There are, hovever, annoying situations where the LYNX just won’t let you survive some things you can get away with on the Spectrum. A final note is the inlay card, it is the Spectrum version. The software protection scheme includes a little card which talks of the Spectrum colour keys—ignore it and use the LYNX colours, they of course work. Oh, and there is at least one bug in the LYNX version, in the wine cellar....This bug is not in the Spectrum version, although the Spectrum bugs seem to be absent from the LYNX. A first clue, you have to jump THROUGH staircases, and you have to be in precisely the right place to do so....numerous other problems are up to you!! VERDICT: Absolutely recommended. Easily a year ahead of any other LYNX game. After a month I still haven’t explored the whole mansion and I haven’t even considered starting to collect any objects yet! Rating 10/10, this should have happened more than a year ago!! PS: When will we see Knight Lore/Atic Atac/ Sabre Wulf....not to mention graphics design and other utility software??? A. Bolton
Thank you very much, Mike! It was very interesting to read your info! 🙂 What´s the year of this Phoenixx Software´s advertisement?
Thank you. 🙂 I think the same about that they can be a pleasure to play. At least there will be a pleasure to look at some eye/effect candy. 🙂 I hope people will like those little add-ons, made possible with 128K memory. 🙂 I´m not sure how many will think they are still too hard, I have made them easier anyway and I will continue to bring some "easy touch" to existing rooms. When you practise enough, you will notice you can easily make a dash through the guardians, just please practise and memorize first where and how you can make it. 🙂 In many rooms there are alternative routes, if you don´t like to go certain way or think some platform is too hard to pass.
It's great that you are working on two new games, Willie! It will be a pleasure to play them when the time comes for it 🙂 .