I have been developing a MM/JSW inspired game for some time, in GameMaker Studio 2. The game will be free, and is intended for the enjoyment of the MM/JSW fan community. However, I recently discovered that Elite Systems (since 2019) now hold the intellectual property rights for both Manic Miner & Jet Set Willy, as referenced in the legal document below. It's a complex situation, since Matthew Smith still insists that he holds the rights to the games (but cannot legally prove), and has always been cool with fan released games.
To clear things up, I contacted Steve Wilcox at Elite to receive clarification on to following questions:
Am I permitted to use any of the sprites, graphics, sound effects, music from the original ZX Spectrum MM/JSW games?
Can my game be released (for free) on Google Play Store, Apple App Store, etc?
Am I required to mention 'Elite Systems Ltd' in the game credits?
I received a brief response stating:
Our position on the matter is as outlined in Link Legals statement, which you reference.
Without sight of the 'MM/JSW inspired retro game' of which you wrote (and in the absence of the necessary further information to evaluate the likely commercial impact of your proposed activity) we're not able to elaborate on Link Legal's statement and we reserve all of our rights.
Regards - Steve Wilcox, Director & Co-founder
I appreciate a response from Steve, but he dodges the questions and the vagueness continues, as it did in the document. The document does not breakdown usage rights of sprites, graphics, sound effects or music, and just clumps everything under an 'intellectual rights' umbrella. I need specifics on what I can and cannot use. They can't exactly say "oh, that's a guy that jumps around on platforms, that's an infringement!". I also do not feel comfortable sending an 'evaluation' version of my game, which is far from finished.
Has Elite realized that there is no longer money to be made from selling their games (as they tried with mobile versions), and decided there is more money to be made from suing individuals? I hope I am wrong, but If this is true, it is very sad. Especially from Elite, who have a huge catalog of ZX Spectrum games that are cherished by many. Not only that, but the one thing that has kept the MM/JSW legacy alive all these years are the countless remakes, mods and homages. If people are afraid to develop more games due to copyright infringement, is this the death of MM/JSW as we know it? From a legal perspective Matthew Smith was 'just the programmer', but I can't help feel that he has been screwed out of his own creations. It's games like MM/JSW that got many of us into programming in the first place.
I'm at the point where I don't know if should spend any more time and move forward with this project.
Does anyone have any input or suggestions regarding MM/JSW remakes and copyright infringement?