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Random Topic - Random colours and routines


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I like that. I first thought upon its first few seconds of running that it was (sorry) similar to just a PLOT INK RND*7 ; RND*255 , RND*175 , then I saw it did more and within a couple more seconds the explosion effect. 🎇

^ Apparently that's a 'firework' emoticon/smile when you search for said term in the box search field.

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10 PLOT INK RND*7 ; RND*255 , RND*175: GOTO 10

Explode.tap is just a bit more complicated.

The backdrop has 128 stars that are being tracked. E.g. Every so often a star in the backdrop is moved.

The explosions move 160 points. The maximum number of explosions is 8. so the explode routine tracks and moves 1280 points - giving the total of 1408 points the program is tracking and moving.

The whilst the above is happening it changes the attributes of differing squares.



Edited by Norman Sword
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Thanks for the explanation Norman. That is a fair bit by the sounds of it to keep track of.

I can imagine how slow said routine would be in ZXBasic if it were written, depending on how one chose to do it either with an array (slow) or endless variables. 🙂


Slightly off topic: Quite a few years back now, I tried a couple of simple routines along the same lines as my 'Basic Plotting' with a few different compilers and also if memory served wrote them in slightly different ways. Not to avoid the compiler complaining, merely to see if a more efficient piece of Basic would compile 'better' for want of a word.

It did not seem to make that much of an impact, it varied more with the compiler and what you were trying to do, by that I just mean if you wanted to read a shedload of data and display it instead of say drawing endless lines on the screen a different compiler would suit better than restructuring the Basic to make it more palatable to to compile code...

There are more modern ones now however some of the 'golden oldies' are still quite good enough for the very very rare occasion I use them. ST FPC3 is about the 'best of the bunch' in my opinion, its quite happy in general at least with even a badly written mess.

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Best viewed from the moon.        e.g. not close

pulsing Psychedelic

This uses two separate routines to move colours - the colours are then merged.




as usual - I looked at the code - it was not quite what I wanted . Pulsar is more symmetrical in code and output.

This separates the bright ink and paper - so this uses 3 routines and then merges them





Edited by Norman Sword
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BBC Micro, just some random lines. Similar to the Spectrum version I put a video of with and without colour clash a few pages back. This one increases the colour value by .1 hence it draws 10 lines of each colour. In between each colour it then also draws a black line too, to ensure the screen is not filled too quickly.




Short 40s (3mb) video, not great quality.


Not going to do similar on the Amstrad / CBM / MSX etc as its all a bit "samey" 🙂 for this type of output of lines.


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