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Everything posted by JianYang

  1. mmrnd A little program that loads Manic Miner, moves the items, modifies the starting positions of the guardians and then starts the regular game. I'm sure it's still quite buggy and sometimes there will be a level you can't complete, but most of the time you should be able to finish all 20 levels. mmrnd.zip
  2. Thank you, @Norman Sword I have since posting looked at the disassembly and as soon as I've seen that MM moves the stack pointer I realised it wouldn't be that easy. I have resorted to simulating the guardian movement in Basic and hoping that my observations will hold up in the real game.
  3. Thamks. That should help a lot. I'm experimenting with guardian placements and want to find out the valid start position combinations for the overlapping sprites in Uranium Workings and Processing Plant and I got a bit tired of loading a snapsjot, poking the values, typing 6031769, selecting the room and restarting with the next values. So a FOR loop in BASIC seemed like a good idea, but MM would need to return for this to work.I have no idea about returning to BASIC on dying. Why would you want to do that? Edit: Neither of your pokes works for me. Is there anything else needed to make them work?
  4. Does anyone know a poke or probably a series of pokes with which one can start with a specific level and on death or exit return to BASIC? Partial answers are welcome.
  5. Thank you. In case I'm not the only facebookphobic in this forum, here is a link that works on its own: https://mega.nz/folder/GX5nFABR#rBWd8gGG3d5STaX-vJNgMw
  6. Do you have a link for this? I can't find this anywhere.
  7. That's quite impressive. I wonder if by casually mentioning @RuffledBricks I can summon him and maybe get him to make a speedrun through this version.
  8. The key looks a bit s-shaped.
  9. I apologise that I made you type out the whole involved story.
  10. I don't know if this is relevant, but all three characters have 2 byte utf8 codes. You might have a different problem than that.
  11. It seems no one is guessing anymore, so I can reveal the logic behind my convoluted question: Maybe using spoiler tags would have been better than asking in such a convoluted way.
  12. Is the one pointing at the screen our Lord of the bathroom?
  13. I had hoped to prove crem's algorithm wrong, but I'll settle for my personal best:
  14. Block for the TC2048 (fuse -m 2048 block2048.zip) block2048.zip
  15. If we're talking about the same program, there is a difference in the handling of the gate in the kong beast levels. Norman's version has an animation to open the gate and only after that animation is finished can the barrel roll to the right screen half. The first time I played it, I lost all my lives because this confused me so much. That doesn't help to answer your question, but I felt like mentioning it anyway.
  16. I don't know if this is the exact same version, but it should be the same game:
  17. There's a perpetual motion variant of MM. It's just like the original, but once Willy starts moving, he keeps moving until he walks into a wall. I found it in a collection of @jetsetdanny RZXs and extracted it from there, no idea where you can find the original. It's crazy how much harder MM becomes with this change. Highly recommended.
  18. That is correct, but I'm not sure that this was the important change. Spoilers ahead, stop reading now if you'd rather figure it out for yourself.
  19. I tried the above and couldn't get it to work. After some rethinking I still managed to get a working impossible shape generator. Or actually two slightly different versions. impalt.zip impossible.zip
  20. @Norman SwordThe Program always moves the blocks front right, front left or up. There are always all three sides of the last block exposed. So you are right, the impossible triangle cannot be reached. You could prevent the program from overwriting blocks (except the last one) already on the screen. I think (I haven't tried it) that should enable impossible triangles and other impossible figures to appear. Also, if you really want to go for crazy speed, you can fill the screen with the triangle pattern and just write the attributes. The actual bitmap pattern (addresses 16384-22527) never needs to change. Cool program. I feel flattered again.
  21. 12ws.tap bamboo.tap bars.zip barsb.tap contact.tap freudenabteilung.tap ll.tap mesh.tap mesh3.tap sym.zip t12ws.zip tunnel.zip
  22. Do you have some irrational anger against C? That's not meant as an allegation. I have some irrational anger against Java and Python myself. It was meant as an homage to "isometric" spectrum games like Ant Attack, Knight Lore and Head Over Heels. I guess by making it more colourful, I ruined that a bit. There are too many games called Spellbound for the speccy. Do you have a specific purpose for these eye candy programs? I remember you starting a similar thread on WOS, about type-ins for unwatched spectrums (that's where the block thing originated, I could never get it short enough though). Your stars demo reminded me of blinkenlights, so I tried to maximize that impression by aligning everything to a 2x2 grid. I don't know if it helped. blinkenlights.tap
  23. I'm flattered. You assembler guys really make every byte count. ½kbyte is impressive. Edit: I found something cute in BASIC. 2 POKE 23693,0: BORDER 0: CLS : PAPER 8: LET f=USR "b": LET y=32767: FOR x=0 TO 7: LET h=INT (y/256): POKE f-1-x,h: POKE f+7-x,y-256*h: POKE f+16+x,255-h: POKE f+8+x,255-y+256*h: LET y=INT (y/4): NEXT x: LET d=2: LET r=1: FOR j=0 TO 1 STEP 0: LET t=r+2: LET l=r+1: PRINT AT y,x; INK t;"\a\b\d\c";AT y+1,x; PAPER t; INK l;"\d\c"; INK r;"\a\b";AT y+2,x; PAPER l; INK l;"**"; INK r; PAPER r;"**";AT y+3,x; INK 8; PAPER l;"\d\c"; PAPER r;"\a\b": FOR k=0 TO 1 STEP 0: LET v=-2: LET w=1: IF d=0 THEN LET v=0: LET w=-2 4 IF d=2 THEN LET v=2 5 LET e=d: IF y+w<0 OR y+w>18 OR x+v<0 OR x+v>28 OR RND>.9 THEN FOR z=0 TO 1 STEP 0: LET e=INT (RND*3): IF e=d THEN NEXT z 6 IF d<>e THEN LET d=e: NEXT k 7 LET x=x+v: LET y=y+w: LET r=5-r: NEXT j block.tap
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