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Everything posted by JianYang

  1. Looks best from a distance or with glasses off. colourful.zip
  2. My theory on RB. He is some Rick Sanchez level genius, who at some point in his life thought: "What am I going to do with my super human abilities? I could solve cancer, but that sounds boring. I guess I'll solve Jet Set Willy."
  3. I can warp you to 2nd place in Final Barrier. So you might last a little longer. Please ignore my odd font experiment.
  4. Great stuff @crem! Could you check the level 17 rzx? When I play it back I only see Willy dying twice. Five hints that @jetsetdanny is actually human? Or five hints that the jsd AI is so advanced to know that it'd better underperform a few times to prove its humanity? 🤔
  5. Are you maybe trying to play back recordings made with a Sinclair/Amstrad ROM against an OpenSE ROM? That leads to problems. Since I figured that out I have no problems replaying Danny's RZXs in FUSE.
  6. foodstuff could work for a fat willy game and maybe twiggiest for the bulimic willy sequel?
  7. That's really cool. While the score matches the record in the high score challenge, the route is quite spectacular. Can't wait to see more. Have you published your PoP solutions somewhere? I'd love to see that too.
  8. I'm a bit of a stickler when it comes to these things. Good to see that everything is now where it should be. 3 new scores and an old one that I forgot to submit: The Warehouse was recorded with an opense rom so the font looks a bit weird.
  9. Let's see. My current mental model is, that this ( http://jswmm.co.uk/files/file/108-manic-miner-highscore-challenge/ ) is the original and this ( http://jswmm.co.uk/topic/421-file-manic-miner-highscore-challenge/ ) is an automatic copy. If that is correct, I see two problems: 1. Last night after I made 1975 in The Cold Room, I got very enthusiastic, because the current high score for that level showed as 1967. A few minutes later I noticed your post from December 27 that Pgyuri had already achieved 1975. Maybe there are some settings you can change? Two months seem quite long for an update. If not, maybe a remark in the opening post that the true up-to-date score is somewhere else might help. 2. Even on the download page some of Danny's scores are missing. Let's stick with Central Cavern: Danny's score still shows as 1721. And just because I'm really bad at hitting the right tone: I'm not complaining. I'm just, at your own request, pointing at problems that I'm seeing. As far as I can tell you're awesome and this high score challenge is one of my favorite things in the world.
  10. Maybe that's my fault. I'm looking at post #1 in this thread and I see a score of 1724 for Pgyuri and a score of 1721 for Danny, but Danny has reported a score of 1724 in December ( https://worldofspectrum.org/forums/discussion/56010/manic-miner-highscore-challenge/p4 ) But maybe this post is not the official high score list? Then where is it? Sorry if I'm just confused.
  11. I have shared some RZXs back in April 2019 ( https://worldofspectrum.org/forums/discussion/56010/manic-miner-highscore-challenge/p3 ), but Danny reported he couldn't play them back and once I updated Fuse I couldn't play some of them back. Anyway most of them were just copies of Danny's routes anyway. So you're probably not missing out. edit: I just compared the routes for Endorian Forrest and the differences seem significant enough. So I'd like to retract the following statement: As far as I've seen from your videos the only significant difference is Danny's (or not, I think it was originally discovered by Pgyuri) route through Eugene's Lair.
  12. Thank you, but I feel almost a bit bad. You updated my score almost immediately while Danny's still waiting for some of his to be updated since December. Also, I've noticed that @RuffledBricks has some really good scores here: https://www.speedrun.com/manic_miner/run/mrk0ge7y No #1s, but his 1973 in The Cold Room would have been a #1 in July when he recorded it. Should we count scores achieved during regular play? I've also slightly improved my Processing Plant score.
  13. You are absolutely right. After reading your comment I finally had the brilliant idea to read the documentation, and: With that information I was able to reach Abandoned Uranium Workings. I guess if I were stranded on a lonely island with only an Apple II and this game I would probably get used to it. Until that happens I feel I'm done with this version.
  14. Update: I looked through my downloads and found an emulator called linapple. That worked right away. Short review: If you thought the music in the Spectrum version was annoying, you have to listen to the Apple version. The game randomly changes speed and keys get randomly stuck. This might be a problem with the emulation. And even when the keyboard for a few seconds behaves like it should the distortion is bad enough to make it virtually unplayable. All of this together is so bad that I couldn't make it through Central Cavern and I don't really feel like I want to keep trying. It's a technical accomplishment that deserves applause, but even if the speed changes and keyboard problems are all the emulator's fault, I don't think this version of MM would have convinced me of the greatness that is Manic Miner.
  15. I expressed myself poorly. It's not that I have an a2 emulator that works fine and I just cannot get this game to work. It's that I have a vague memory of at some point, after reading Hackers for the 100th time, running Mystery House in an emulator successfully. The only a2 emulator I can find on my system is kegs and I can start it, I see that the virtual Mystery House disk is still there, but I have no idea how to load the game. All I see is the Apple ROM monitor program, and I have no idea how to load a disk from there. Maybe that's how it's supposed to be and I just don't know how to proceed from there. Maybe I succeeded with another emulator that I cannot find right now. It's certainly not the lack of a disk image, because a) it's here: https://github.com/StewBC/mminer-apple2/releases/tag/V1.0 and b) I'm not even at that stage, because I gave up after I couldn't repeat my success of running Mystery House. My memories of trying to get any emulation with MESS to work pretty much match yours. I hope you have more luck than I had.
  16. I tried. I have a working (I think) Apple II emulator on my machine, but I only get into some weird monitor program and I have no idea how to continue from there.
  17. https://github.com/StewBC/mminer-apple2 This seems to have been around for almost a year, but I couldn't find any mention in this forum.
  18. @RuffledBricks So I've finally watched it. This is pure zen. How did you even get the idea to try this?
  19. Could this just be the classic keyboard jamming? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N-Key_Rollover#Key_jamming_and_ghosting
  20. I deserve that. @Norman Sword Great work! What tools and libraries did you use to make Manic Panic? Or is that a secret? I once started something similar using z88dk, sp1 and zx7, but I panicked (how appropriate) when it came to deciding on the level format and postponed it indefinitely. That means I designed a status bar ripped some tile graphics from MM managed to display them and then gave up. Thank you for making my dreams come true and maybe when I try again when I'm less tired I might actually be able to handle the speed.
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