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    JianYang reacted to igormakovsky in JSW in real life designs ➡️🚽   
    In 2012 I had a project on creating a design for a non-formal underground club for cinema lovers. It was real fun, I had almost no limits on my creativity.
    Besides all other work, I was needed to design arrows that could navigate guests to the toilets and the bar. Guess, who the main characters are?
    More can be seen on my old website: graphical identity, interior design and website

  2. Like
    JianYang got a reaction from Spider in [File] Manic Jet Set Willy V3   
    Nice. Merry Christmas to you, too.
  3. Like
    JianYang got a reaction from Norman Sword in [File] Manic Jet Set Willy V3   
    Nice. Merry Christmas to you, too.
  4. Like
    JianYang reacted to Jet Set Willie in Christmas 2024!   
    Mariast Willy Christmas for Everybody!

  5. Like
    JianYang reacted to Norman Sword in [File] Manic Jet Set Willy V3   
    This was going to be the loader picture on the spider jsw special -- Unfortunately it uses too much memory at run time, to be incorperated into the game as a loader screen. It is based on the Card picture I have previously shown. This program using the picture from MJSW the Scroll surround of JSW2, the graphics of JSW and MM (plus the basics of the christmas card)

    Would have made a nice loaded game screen....

  6. Like
    JianYang got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Manic Miner Redux   
    Thank you. Rota is running on my device. That's why I assumed it would be possible.
    It seems that Godot games on ARM use a special runtime named FRT: https://github.com/efornara/frt/
    Now FRT hasn't been updated in 2 years. So it's far from a safe bet that it's going to work. I would still like to try though.
  7. Like
    JianYang got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Manic Miner Redux   
    Hello @DigitalDuck,
    I recently bought myself a handheld game console and I would really love to play MMR on it. Would it be possible to make a build for ARM-Linux? Specifically Rockchip RK3326?
    Or probably better, but maybe a bit much to ask, open up the source code, so I could try myself?
    Whatever you decide thank you for reading and again thank you for making this fantastic game.
  8. Like
    JianYang reacted to Norman Sword in A chinese who loves JSW   
    I remember seeing the MSX bee card - It was played on an MSX by Alan Maton, just for me. The card was a pre release demonstration.
  9. Like
    JianYang got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Why was Manic Miner never properly optimised?   
    Exactly. I do occasionally play Manic Panic, but I have to be in an almost masochistic mood to do that. And in regular Manic Miner there is a certain amount of boredom when you have to walk from one end of the screen to the other.
    I love both of these games, but the speeds are really at somewhat annoying extremes.
    Your version is just right. Not boring in the easy levels and just a bit more challenging in the harder ones.
  10. Like
    JianYang reacted to Spider in Why was Manic Miner never properly optimised?   
    Although a different game, with JSW it makes Forgotten Abbey a little bit more tricky (the bottom row jumps)
    In MM I did note that Skylabs , Warehouse and to some degree Amoebatrons Revenge were all slightly more difficult given the precise nature needed in these, the former two especially. I couldn't really say that Solar Power was any harder as it is all about 'player' speed in that cavern, too much hesitation as you know and there's no air left! 🙂 
  11. Thanks
    JianYang got a reaction from Spider in Why was Manic Miner never properly optimised?   
    This might just be my personal sweet spot of Manic Miner speed. Thumbs up.
  12. Like
    JianYang reacted to Spider in Why was Manic Miner never properly optimised?   
    Further to my post on page two here  , I decided for no real reason to change the scoring and add a bit more air, as well as compress the code to reduce it's loading size. There is a lot more scope to optimise this, it is starting to 'click' now properly with me.
    For now , two identical versions with the increased bonus/air , one with a loading screen and one without.
    Without screen$
    With screen$
    The game code is identical in each of these two. For reasons of sanity I've named it 'V3' as the one in the linked post is V2
    And a quick playthrough:
    .rzx recorded with Spectaculator, it should play back fine in most other emulators I expect.
  13. Like
    JianYang reacted to Spider in My game - What a Wonderful World of Willie   
    So we can see it soon ? 🙂 
  14. Like
    JianYang reacted to ParadigmShifter in Slick Willy engine rolling demo released   
    SWDEMO.TAP - Released!
    Original Concept/Character Animations: Gabriele Amore
    Additional Animations: Lee Bee
    Eugene Sprite: HEXdidnt
    Final Barrier image: Grongy, with adjustments by Lee Bee
    Programming/Font: Paradigm Shifter
    AY music (by Lee Bee) also to be added at a later date.

    This is just a rolling demo, similar to the original attract mode, it just shows each level for a few seconds each.
    Engine is running at 50fps even while playing the tune on the 48K beeper. Willy will update at 50fps too. Enemies currently update at 25fps (but are being redrawn at 50fps).
    Willy movement and collision to be added next, and will do another release (with source code) once the levels are playable.
    All feedback is welcome.
    See also this thread:
    I'm also looking for tile designers, level designers etc. Post in the thread or PM me if you would like to contribute.
  15. Like
    JianYang reacted to The-Red-Bayron in Manic Miner: The Lost Levels   
    On fire !! Over 

    Downloads 😎
    This is amazing  
    All the best,

  16. Like
    JianYang reacted to jetsetdanny in Manic Miner: The Lost Levels   
    Andrew Broad made the following comments on the Yahoo! Group when he reviewed JSWED back in November 2005:
    No Kamikaze
    An interesting name for what I would term "item-retention" if I could afford a wider window. 😉
    "A sadistic game designer", eh? 😆

    Bonus Room
    Did I read somewhere that the items in a Bonus Room don't count towards removing Maria? Sacrilege!
    It's really cool that the screen colour-cycles when you get an extra life, as in Manic Miner.
    Perhaps certain JSW games could give you an extra life after you've collected a certain number of items, or exceeded a certain score (to which points are awarded for collecting items and visiting rooms that you haven't visited before).
    There's a bug (or useful quirky feature?) whereby erroneous colour-attributes appear in the playing-area if you acquire too many lives. These colour-attributes behave as Water unless associated with a cell-class (but unlike Custom cells, they don't cause the Cell-Class 1 pixel-pattern to appear).
    There are no other references in the Group posts that would shed any light on the issue in question. However, there was also a comment of yours, Ian, in February 2017:
    Re: Patch to reset cells' FLASH-bits
    Andrew wrote:
    > (I encountered a bug in JSWED when setting "The Off Licence" to be a bonus-room: I ticked "Bonus room" in > "Room properties", but when I checked back there, it was unticked. When I playtested it, it /was/ a > bonus-room: the items gave me extra lives, without colour-cycling.)
    I have experienced a similar problem; reopening the Options->Room menu causes the Bonus room box to be unticked (after having ticked it previously).  However, when I playtested it, it wasn't a bonus room (no extra lives and no colour-cycling).
    The reason I returned to the Room Options menu was to tick the 'No Kamikaze' option, in order to have both options switched on in the same room.  I thought I would see what would happen if Willy collected all the items in a multi-item room, and then died before leaving the room!  The result: many extra lives, which eventually spilled over beyond the status bar and caused corruption across the range of addresses #58xx-#5Fxx (including the attribute file for the entire screen, the primary and secondary attribute buffers for the playing area and the stack - the latter of which eventually led to a system reset!!)
  17. Like
    JianYang reacted to The-Red-Bayron in Manic Miner: The Lost Levels   
    At the moment I'm working on making a 128K version of the Lost Levels as I can put a lot of the features that were missing from the 48K and avoid having 2 separate games.
    Here is my working list for the levels;
    Not Central Cavern
    The Dragon Users Bonus
    Home At Last?
    Back To Work
    Down The Pit
    In A Deep Dark Hole
    Eddie’s Forest
    The Hall Of The Mountain Kong
    At The Centre Of The Earth
    The Channel Tunnel
    The End Of The World
    The Space Shuttle
    Where's The Hyperspace Button?
    The Meteor Storm
    The Airlock
    Flunky Punky Munkie
    The Catacombs
    Mummy Daddy
    Nightmare Before Last Night
    Helium House on the Highlands
    Metropolis Bingo
    Eugene’s Other Lair
    Tokyo Uh Oh
    Jester Under the Bed
    Clockwork Satsuma
    The End
    The Final BBC Barrier
    This, folks, is the Last Cavern
    Ending TBA
    So Far all the levels have imported into the editor and I will change them to make them as close to the original platforms as possible. The progress is going well and I can see a light at the end of this tunnel!!

    If there any suggestion about the running order or additional features please let me know.
    All the best, B
  18. Like
    JianYang got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Manic Miner: The Lost Levels   
    Good points.
    There are several options:
    - Put all the SAM-levels in one file (we already have that) and all the non-SAM-levels in another
    - Put all levels in one file but remove some items
    - Put almost all levels in one file and remove the worst ones
    - Fix the engine to allow for more items
    The last one would probably be the gold standard, but right now I don't see it happening.
    All the other cases are aesthetic trade-offs. In any case nothing will be lost unless Bayron goes crazy and deletes all his work so far. We just have to load different versions of the game.
    I guess I favour to remove some levels because there are some levels that I think don't belong in a Manic Miner game (The two Twilight Zone Levels from the SAM and In a Deep Dark Hole(?) from the Oric come immediately to mind) and feel more like Nintendo/Mario levels.
    In the end it's an artistic decision and the artist is Bayron.
    I trust that Bayron can find the 10% good ideas between the 90% nonsense that I suggest. And I appreciate you supporting him/her in the process.
  19. Like
    JianYang reacted to jetsetdanny in Manic Miner: The Lost Levels   
    Personally, I'm not fond of this idea. It would contradict (what I feel is) the original premise behind the whole project, i.e. presenting (all of) the MM levels that were 'lost' for the ZX Spectrum (because they only existed on other platforms). If only some ('the best') levels were chosen, the ones that were left behind would continue 'lost' in a sense... Furthermore, choosing the 'best' levels would have to lead to some arbitrary and possibly controversial choices regarding which rooms to include, and which to leave out.
    That's just my personal feeling about it 🙂 .
  20. Like
    JianYang reacted to jetsetdanny in Manic Miner: The Lost Levels   
    Yes, to quote from JSWED's manual:
    "Bonus Room If this is ticked, each item collected gives Willy an extra life."
    If I understand correctly, if this option is ticked in JSWED's GUI, each item collected in the room where this option is ticked will give Willy an extra life. So if there are e.g. 5 items in this room, Willy will receive 5 extra lives if he collects all of the items.
    This would be one way of doing things. Other things could be done, too, but would have to involve manual modification of the game engine (e.g. using JSWED's Hex Editor).
    I'm not sure the question quoted above is directed at me or @The-Red-Bayron. I don't have a strong opinion here. I do think adding extra lives along the way could be used, by all means, but it's Byron's call if and how to modify the game further.
  21. Like
    JianYang reacted to jetsetdanny in Manic Miner: The Lost Levels   
    Using the JSW64 game engine, it is possible (and easy) to add extra lives.
    I would just caution against adding too many of them, in order to avoid what happens e.g. in "Terry The Turtle", where it is actually necessary to lose lives during the gameplay to prevent potential game corruption. Initially, the player has 7 visible spare lives, with 4 more appearing as extras are gained. With the 15th spare life acquired, flickering begins on the bottom left turtle icon. Subsequent extra lives cause flickering on additional turtles. Once the life count exceeds 28, room name display is affected, with letters disappearing starting from the left. Having more than 28 lives can slow down or crash the game due to issues like paths blocked by "rogue" cells. Therefore, it is advisable (especially if you're playing using Rollback or saving/loading snapshots and do not normally lose lives) to repeatedly commit suicide throughout the game, especially when the life count approaches 28.
  22. Like
    JianYang got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Manic Miner: The Lost Levels   
    I've just made it for the first time past Son of Kong Beast in Deeper and Down and I see you were way ahead of me. Great job!
  23. Like
    JianYang reacted to The-Red-Bayron in Manic Miner: Deeper and Down   
    Just see that Deeper and Down had over 150 Downloads !!
    A big Thank You to everyone that has take the time to comment and Download the game.

    This is greatly appreciated 😎
    All the Best, B
  24. Like
    JianYang got a reaction from Spider in Manic Miner: The Lost Levels   
    I've just made it for the first time past Son of Kong Beast in Deeper and Down and I see you were way ahead of me. Great job!
  25. Like
    JianYang reacted to Richard Hallas in Manic Miner: Deeper and Down   
    Thanks very much for doing this! It's a really great conversion to have, and – again – something I've wished someone would do for a long time.
    I'm also pleased that you've given the caverns proper mixed-case names this time, as I really didn't care for the all-caps names in the Lost Levels release (my only major criticism of that game).
    I have two points of feedback that I've noticed so far, during my initial look, one trivial and one major:
    1. In the title-screen scroll-text, you credit the "JSW46" engine (should obviously be JSW64).
    2. The title screen music is just intolerably awful! I don't think this is your fault, Byron; I'm sure I've heard it before somewhere (is it the default music in JSW64 or something?) – but it should have been strangled at birth and badly needs to be replaced. I mean, the melody is OK and correct, but the accompaniment (a) is in completely the wrong key, and (b) doesn't fit even if it were in the right key – and the overall combination makes me wonder how on earth something that sounds so appallingly dreadful was ever created and released in the first place. As far as I'm concerned it really ruins the game, as I find it really hard to listen to it. No music at all on the title screen would be a far, far preferable alternative to this.
    I'm sorry if my comments about the music insult someone (e.g. John Elliott, if it's his handiwork), as I really don't want to offend anybody. Nevertheless, I find it hard to put into words just how dreadful the title-screen music really is. It's like a study in what it must be like to be tone deaf. I know the original Manic Miner title screen music is pretty screechy and awful, but I always took it as being an attempt at rendering a honky-tonk piano sound, and as far as it goes it's quite succesful at that; it works because it sounds 'deliberately bad' (and it's also in tune in its own terms, and uses valid harmony). This 128K AY rendition, though, fails because the notes are perfectly in tune but are just completely wrong (in the accompaniment line). Maybe the data is simply corrupt (seriously). Either way, it REALLY needs to be replaced with a fixed version or a competent new rendition, be it of The Blue Danube or of something else.
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