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Everything posted by MtM

  1. MtM

    JSW with scrolling

    I must download these games! Thank you Danny. I had heard of them but there are _so_ many mods etc. and so little time to play them all. Could I be extremely lazy and ask you provide a link to the one you think is best or biggest please? Bear in mind I like easier maps for exploring over rock hard room design 😉 Thanks again!
  2. MtM

    JSW with scrolling

    This looks excellent! There is real scope here to make a modern combination of a standalone JSW if you want, and maybe a combined version of all the official Miner W games, into one big map, linking them all properly. It would be work, but say for instance all the official rooms were combined into a big map, there could be a room where say you enter the Central Cavern then have to play through all 20 screens before you escape into a room back in JSW etc. I think it could be awesome! Just my opinion anyway, but I hope you get it all into a releasable state for the public. Please post it here too! Spider makes a good point about the Amiga version of JSW, I still have the original of it here on my shelves, it too used scrolling, it was atrocious, one of the worst games ever ported to the Amiga, and I love JSW like everyone here, so scrolling in itself is not just a gameplay feature that guarantees a 'better' game, it needs to be done well like it seems to be here, and adds to the game.
  3. MtM

    IRF on holiday? ;-)

    I used to play the bass. I was reasonably good, a lot better than I was at programming 😉 What kind of bass is it Ian, i.e. what make? There is one electric bassist, Jaco, and then there is everyone else. The Matthew Smith of electric bass playing.
  4. MtM

    RIP Clive Sinclair

    A sad time for all Sinclair fans and people who started out in the 80s. A man at least partially before his time. Good to see IRF back on the forums too 🙂
  5. MtM

    Cbm64 Version

    I will have to see this new ending! 😉
  6. MtM

    Cbm64 Version

    Welcome to the forums Toki! You are most welcome indeed! As a regular browser of csbd.dk I am not quite sure how I have managed to miss this, unless I have simply forgotten about it. It is excellent, just been playing it on vice. Very accurate it appears gameplay wise, excellent music too, it does have the charm of the original ZX version, and is much better than the official original port of MM on the C64, which is okay, but not in this league. Thank you!
  7. a) not on FB. In truth Andy I am just thinking of the folks off here really, as it is such a small, close knit group of people who post etc. b) doesn't look like it is going to happen tbh JSDanny. A pity. I will potentially go myself, and if anyone nearer the time wants to meet up then fine.
  8. Hello JSW & MM fans! Just a reminder, this is only next month! Has anyone got any ideas yet if they may go? Even if we are not having a stall, which is probably far too late now, we could still meet up. Just a thought.
  9. I played the contents of the archive a bit. The music is the best thing about it. Not knocking the game too much because I could not of made it, but in truth, it is fairly unrewarding to play.
  10. MtM

    IRF on holiday? ;-)

    Title says it all really. Are you okay IRF? Or just on holiday?
  11. Watching the version of JSW 2 + being completed was good, when I finished it, just got the unplayable Central Cavern ending. Is there a link to that version with the Well Done screen on this site? I must of missed it if there is. Personally Norman I am glad the maze section didn't make it into the final game for what it is worth.
  12. Thanks to everyone who replied, much appreciated. I was looking really for a personal recommendation, but in the end I followed JSDanny's advice and link to the MM section of his excellent website and had a go at MM2 and MM2! 😉 I will continue to explore that.
  13. I can imagine the stress of a speedrun is terrible!
  14. I think this should be in the Olympics 😉
  15. MtM

    Fast Loading

    they are awesome colours!
  16. I am hoping to get a bit of gaming done later for the first time in a long time. Could someone please recommend a MM mod or variant to play tonight? Not the original, or Norman's Manic Panic, or Spider's 10 level corona version from last year as I have played them all fairly recently. What is the mod with 40 levels in it, if I remember there being one like that? Anyway, if someone has a recommendation to download to play later that would be really good. If not I will have a look myself.
  17. MtM


    I love looking at maps to the JSW & MM games, but not too closely, as I still like some surprise when playing. If only modern games were as good and mappable! Thanks Andy for the effort of these!
  18. Hello Folks, I guess that people are not really wanting to commit to the above, at least not at the moment. Perhaps close to the time it might be possible to make a few arrangements if anyone is going. I hope so.
  19. MtM

    Technician Ted

    They are things of beauty!
  20. Apologies JSDanny, didn't know you lived in North America currently. Travelling is not so easy for anyone at the moment. Thank you for the thread you highlight, I have read it. It is really good it was such a positive experience for you going to the Play Expo in 2019 - hopefully it would be the same for anyone on here who will go in 2021.
  21. Calling all forum members! I know I am far from the most prominent member of these hallowed forums. However, I hope no-one will mind if I make the following suggestion:- https://www.playexpoblackpool.com/ The suggestion is that we all meet up at the above show, on Sat 23rd and / or (xor?) Sun 24th of October, 2021. I think that quite a few of us live in the North of England, so getting to and from Blackpool is not so hard hopefully. I have a decent sized car, and would be happy if there was interest or need to pick people up etc. given enough forward planning. I appreciate some folk live in other countries, but hopefully they could get there if they were allowed - what would we be without our brothers and sisters from around the world, united as we are in our love of JSW&MM? All this of course is subject to the pandemic, and the event itself could well be cancelled. However, there is pay on the door, so no one needs to commit to buying a ticket even. Tickets are £18 for an adult on either Sat or Sun. Please look at the website for more info. If there is no interest, then fair enough. I am not suggesting having a stand etc., but _perhaps_ /maybe we could have t shirts made at least and the likes of Spider, IRF, JSDanny, Norman Sword & Dr Broad, RIchard H & Geoff could all do autographs or the like 😉 Maybe even a pop up stand with speedruns being done by top folk like RBricks and Crem demoing AI finishing JSW. Just a few ideas. It need cost next to nothing, especially if we brought our own gear. I personally would like to see Norman writing a new MM from scratch in a few hours whilst cheered on by event goers! Maybe even _the_ great one, he whose name must not be said out loud, M Smith, might be there? Anyway, just a suggestion to see what people think, it could be fun - or not! Apologies if this has already been discussed amongst the forum elders 😉 MtM.
  22. Norman, how about a tennis themed set of screens somewhere? Seems timely at the moment with the French open, and Wimbledon approaching, and I am sure Andrew Broad would like that too 😉 I have downloaded your latest file and will give it a go tonight on the old Next. Thanks for all your top work.
  23. Don't take this the wrong way Crem - but is it worth the effort? Sounds like a lot of time and work. If you are doing it for a specific purpose, some kind of thesis submission / research etc. then fair enough. Likewise if it is just for your own enjoyment, and ours too in a secondary fashion.
  24. Ah good suggestion, I did just that and watched it thanks.
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