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  1. Thanks
    MtM got a reaction from Spider in Manic Miner: The Lost Levels   
    Red, thank you for this version of MM, I really like it, the difficulty level is spot on! Excellent, I have been
    playing it, just right for me!
  2. Like
    MtM got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Manic Miner: The Lost Levels   
    Red, thank you for this version of MM, I really like it, the difficulty level is spot on! Excellent, I have been
    playing it, just right for me!
  3. Thanks
    MtM reacted to jetsetdanny in JSW Central YouTube channel   
    Updates on the JSW Central YouTube channel since the last video I mentioned in this thread (effectively, what follows is a list of videos posted on the channel since the beginning of this year until now):
    "Ma jolie"
    "Ma jolite"
    "Jet Set Willy: The Colossal Cave"
    "Jet Set Willy 5: ZX Heroes"
    "Manic Miner - Norman Sword's version"
    "Winer Milly"
    "AmAZiNG WiLLY" (v. 4)
    "JSW64: Dragon Jet Set Willy"
    "JSW64: Dragon Manic Miner"
    "A Bulgarian Requiem"
    "Manic Mixup"
    "Jet Set II"
    "Willy Comes Home"
    "Manic Miner: Neighbours - Allana Truman" (standard version)
    "Manic Miner: Neighbours - Allana Truman" (easy version)
    "JSW: The Sun Is No Longer Producing Heat"
    "WiLLY iN ThE MiRRoRVeRSE" (v. 3)
    "Terry The Turtle" (Yellow - Normal)
    "Terry The Turtle" (Cyan - Intermediate)
    "Terry The Turtle" (Red - Hard)
    "Terry The Turtle" (Vektor - Special Edition)
    "Escape of the Snails"
    Some comments:
    The videos of "Ma jolie", "Ma jolite" and "Manic Mixup" were made from RZX walkthroughs I had recorded in the past (I hard worked really hard on them back then and didn't see room for improvement).
    Similarly, the old recordings of "Terry The Turtle" (Cyan - Intermediate), "Terry The Turtle" (Red - Hard) and "Terry The Turtle" (Vektor - Special Edition) were used, because I considered them good enough - they could be improved, but since there is no clock in the game, there is no incentive to work on the improvement, either. As for "Terry The Turtle" (Yellow - Normal), a large part of it was re-recorded in order to showcase the collection of some items I had failed to collect in my initial walkthrough recorded back in February 2015.
     My walkthroughs of "AmAZiNG WiLLY" (v. 4), "WiLLY iN ThE MiRRoRVeRSE" (v. 3), "Jet Set Willy 5: ZX Heroes", "Willy Comes Home" and "Jet Set II" were presented publicly for the first time ever. I managed to complete:
    v. 4 of "AmAZiNG WiLLY" at 8:49 am in-game time;
    v. 3 of "WiLLY iN ThE MiRRoRVeRSE" at 8:53 am;
    "Jet Set Willy 5: ZX Heroes" at 7:57 am (7:02 am via the Secret Passage);
    "Jet Set II" at 7:56 am;
    "Willy Comes Home" at 8:57 am.
    I replayed and re-recorded the following games, achieving the following respective improvements:
    "Jet Set Willy: The Colossal Cave" - completion time improved from 8:32 am to 8:19 am.
    "Manic Miner - Norman Sword's version" - Bug-Byte version completion score improved from 38,873 pts. to 39,240 pts., Software Projects version completion score improved from 38,873 pts. to 39,250.
    "Winer Milly" - completion score improved from 8800 pts. to 9550 pts.
    "JSW64: Dragon Jet Set Willy" - completion time improved from 8:27 am to 8:18 am.
    "JSW64: Dragon Manic Miner" - completion time improved from 7:44 am to 7:40 am.
    "A Bulgarian Requiem" - completion time improved from 8:24 am to 8:18 am.
    "Manic Miner: Neighbours - Allana Truman" (standard version) - completion score improved from 27,159 pts. to 31,144 pts.
    "Manic Miner: Neighbours - Allana Truman" (easy version) - completion score improved from 30,703 pts. to 35,421 pts.
    "Escape of the Snails" - completion time improved from 8:59 am to 8:47 am.
    "JSW: The Sun Is No Longer Producing Heat" - the efficiency of my walkthrough has been improved, but it's difficult to quantitate it because there is no clock in the game.
    All of the newly-recorded RZX files can be downloaded from the games' respective pages on JSW Central.
  4. Thanks
    MtM reacted to jetsetdanny in "WILLY, 48k about a Legend"   
    Paolo has let me know that he had launched a new retrogaming channel a few days ago. Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/@ARetroGamesLook 
    Among the videos he has created and posted there so far, there are:
    A "Full Game Runplay" of "Manic Miner"
    A "Full Game Runplay" of "Jet Set Willy"
    The two "WILLY, 48k about a Legend" trailers mentioned in my previous post are also on that new channel. I have updated the links in my previous post and I will repeat them here, also adding a third trailer Paolo has created:
    Enjoy! 🙂
  5. Thanks
    MtM reacted to Gyrominiac in JSW with scrolling   
    i think releasing it entirely as freeware wouldn't be too troublesome, right? 
  6. Wow
    MtM reacted to The-Red-Bayron in Manic Miner: The Lost Levels   
    The Lost Levels just had 
    Downloads !!
    Thanks to everyone for giving it a go, I am amazed that it has gone so well 
    All the best, B
  7. Thanks
    MtM reacted to The-Red-Bayron in Manic Miner: The Lost Levels   
    The 128K version is done !! Been busy testing it and putting in the changes the were suggested.
    This is the Game map for all 28 levels;

    Be careful with the lever in "Not Central Cavern" and be quick (very quick) to avoid the laser beams in "The Meteor Storm" and the "The Final BBC Barrier"
    Mostly the Gameplay is the same as the two 48K versions but with improvements to the sprites and level graphics, the Readme file in the zip file covers what has changed with a little more detail.
    There are extra lives to start with as it is a double game.
    Anyway enough rambling !!
    Hope you enjoy playing the game.
    All the best, B
  8. Thanks
    MtM reacted to The-Red-Bayron in [File] Manic Miner: Deeper and Down   
    View File Manic Miner: Deeper and Down
    He's Back... In an all new old adventure!
    This follows on from the Lost Levels and Lost Levels DS in that it is a conversion from another system in this case it is the Sam Coupé version.
    After the first 20 levels that follow the original Manic Miner, there were another 20 called The Deeper Caverns then another 20 called Down, Down, Deeper and Down.
    This gives the game its title Manic Miner: Deeper and Down as Manic Miner: The Deeper Caverns and Down, Down, Deeper and Down was a bit of a mouthful.
    As before it tries to do this as close as the original game mechanic allows but this time using the JSW64 128K game engine as some features like trampolines and switches were impossible to replicate in the original game engine.
    There is a demo version of The Deeper Caverns for the 48K which is included in the .zip file as initially it started here. The gameplay order, screens and sprites are slightly different but all levels are playable.
    The Deeper Caverns
    The Gameplay follows the order of these next 20 levels, level 20 The Final Frontier is used as a link into Down, Down, Deeper and Down so the top of this screen is slightly different to the original Sam Coupé version.
    Here are the level screens in gameplay order.
    01 The Hollow Chamber
    02 The Office
    03 Cheese-Plant
    04 The Dodgy Mine Shaft
    05 The Big Drop
    06 Order Processing Department
    07 The Rocky Outcrop
    08 The Twilight Zone, Part I
    09 Son of Kong Beast
    10 Trainspotters' Paradise
    11 Battle of the Bits
    12 A Night on the Tiles
    13 The Twilight Zone II
    14 Dante's Inferno
    15 The Freezer
    16 Blue Stick-Waggling Bananas
    17 Round The Bend
    18 Teddy Bears' Picnic
    19 The Clock Tower
    20 The Final Frontier
    Some of the levels with Trampolines have been modified to prevent falling too far.
    Kong falling from the platform has been changed for something else. Pull the switch and find out.
    Levels with a lot of sprites, switches or items will be slower.
    Down, Down, Deeper and Down
    This follows on directly from The Deeper Caverns with an additional 20 levels.
    There is an ending level (Up Up and Away) but it is not playable, like JSW the game just stops here (until the air runs out and then it loops).
    Here are the level screens in gameplay order.
    01 In Xanadu, did Kubla Khan ?
    02 Bleugh
    03 Wibble Flowerpot
    04 Wibbly Wobbly
    05 Caveman Willy
    06 No Way Back ?
    07 Bouncy-Bouncy
    08 Son of Bride of Kong’s Revenge 2
    09 The Haunted House
    10 The Mouse Trap
    11 The Bonus Round
    12 Still No Way Back ?
    13 The Pink People Eaters
    14 April Showers
    15 Bottom of the mine shaft
    16 The Building Society
    17 The Control Room
    18 The Assembly Plant
    19 The Computer Room
    20 The end of Willy as we know it ?
    21 Up Up and Away !
    The items in the The Bonus Round had to be reduced as it exceeded the limit for the overall game.
    Because of this additional items have been added to other levels.
    The Pokes for Infinite Lives, WRITETYPER and finishing the game without collecting all the items will work.
    Follow the post here


    Submitter The-Red-Bayron Submitted 06/06/2024 Category Manic Miner [Remakes]  
  9. Thanks
    MtM reacted to jetsetdanny in "WILLY, 48k about a Legend"   
    This has been mentioned before in other topics (most notably, in the one about JSW's 35th birthday party at Manchester PLAY Expo, where it had its UK premiere), but it hasn't had its own thread on this forum AFAICT, so here's one.
    "WILLY, 48k about a Legend" is a documentary about "Manic Miner" and "Jet Set Willy" by Paolo Santagostino. Some useful links:
    http://www.retrogamingplanet.it/intervista/intervista-a-paolo-santagostino-willy-amarcord-a-8-bit/ (in Italian)
    Recently, Paolo has prepared two clips to celebrate JSW's 40th Anniversary:
    It's JET SET WILLY 40th ANNIVERSARY - The Banyan Trailer
    It's JET SET WILLY 40th ANNIVERSARY - The Mega Trailer
    Enjoy! 🙂
  10. Like
    MtM got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Why was Manic Miner never properly optimised?   
    Very nice that Andy version 2, just playing it now thank you.
    Would this version be editable with JSWED etc if you were going to use it as a base for a mod?
  11. Thanks
    MtM got a reaction from Spider in Why was Manic Miner never properly optimised?   
    Very nice that Andy version 2, just playing it now thank you.
    Would this version be editable with JSWED etc if you were going to use it as a base for a mod?
  12. Thanks
    MtM got a reaction from GawpGRP in Editors / Emulators for Mac   
    Hello Gawp. I have asked about Mac editors previously, I do have a pc, but tend to use my macbook
    more these for most things, so a Mac editor would be really good. In truth I have not looked that hard, it
    may be that someone has compiled JSWED for Mac and it is currently on github or the like, have you had
    a good look for it?
    EDIT: this looks interesting?
  13. Like
    MtM got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Editors / Emulators for Mac   
    Hello Gawp. I have asked about Mac editors previously, I do have a pc, but tend to use my macbook
    more these for most things, so a Mac editor would be really good. In truth I have not looked that hard, it
    may be that someone has compiled JSWED for Mac and it is currently on github or the like, have you had
    a good look for it?
    EDIT: this looks interesting?
  14. Thanks
    MtM got a reaction from Spider in Why was Manic Miner never properly optimised?   
    Just been playing this, through to Attack of the Mutant Telephones on my first go, very smooth and playable, thanks
  15. Like
    MtM reacted to Spider in Why was Manic Miner never properly optimised?   
    The above 'test file' ( while I learned, thank you N.S! 🙂 ) has the following changes (excluding cosmetics like loading picture and slightly altered piano on title screen)
    The main change is to the four main copy routines which originally used LDIR in the main loop are now replaced with a routine using a number of LDI's resulting in an increase in speed. These copy routines being:
    Copy master attributes to attribute buffer , 512 bytes
    Copy master screen pixels to screen buffer , 4096 bytes
    Copy pixels from screen buffer to real screen , 4096 bytes
    Copy attributes from attribute buffer to real screen , 512 bytes
    The relative increase in speed is quite noticeable. 🙂 
    The only other changes were three small insignificant ones:
    Willy faces the correct way upon entry on each cavern
    The highscore is preset to 010000 instead of 000000
    Amoebatron's Revenge conveyor is alive.
    These are something I'd automatically do anyway, probably.
    EDIT... Update:
    New loading screen (as logo then full) , Andy Green 2018
    Item collection sound (not in exactly the same place as other games)
    Score status line flicker reduced (not eliminated but reduced)
    Demo mode now plays the full ingame tune per cavern instead of half of it
    Pressing BREAK during gameplay will update the highscore if its new
    MM_SP_Faster V2.tap
    No other changes, plenty I want to do but it is a demo/basic building block for others.
  16. Wow
    MtM reacted to jetsetdanny in Post number 10000!   
    We have gone over 16,000 posts on the forum today, 25th April 2024! 😁
    You can't see it on the main page with this new version of the software (because it only shows a rounded-up number), but we have been tracking it on the admins' side and it's just happened. A big thank you to everyone who keeps the forum going! 🙂 
  17. Thanks
    MtM got a reaction from Spider in Editors / Emulators for Mac   
    Hello Gawp. I have asked about Mac editors previously, I do have a pc, but tend to use my macbook
    more these for most things, so a Mac editor would be really good. In truth I have not looked that hard, it
    may be that someone has compiled JSWED for Mac and it is currently on github or the like, have you had
    a good look for it?
    EDIT: this looks interesting?
  18. Like
    MtM reacted to jetsetdanny in Hello (again)!   
    (in no particular order)
    Sendy is back and her long-lost "Jet Set Willy: Role Reversal" and "Manic Person" have been finally gamma-released (with some input from yours truly). Furthermore, she has created "Strangel 2"! It's in a beta stage, I would say. I had the privilege of playtesting it, it's an amazing game. It still needs some finishing touches before the official release, but it's really another demonstration of Sendy's genius as a JSW author 🙂 .
    Adban de Corcy (Fabián Álvarez López) was active on the forum a couple of years ago. He worked on "Jet Set Jason: In Roddënwald" and developed it much further, but it's not ready for release yet and I don't think he has worked on it recently. I do hope he will complete the project one day, though.
    Geoff Eddy is a member. He released a very nice new game "Willy does the Great Pyramid!" back in 2021.
    Richard Hallas posts on the forum from time to time as well as on the "Central Cavern - The Wonderful World of Willy" Facebook group.
    Andrew Broad was active here in the past, but hasn't been seen for some time now.
    John Elliott is a member and, hopefully, reads the posts from time to time. He hasn't posted for a while though.
    Igor Makovsky is a "double member", but hasn't posted here yet.
    Vidar Eriksen (Erix1) has joined the forum, but unfortunately his presence was only momentary (he contributed 4 posts).
    The Drunken Master!!! is active on WoS, not here.
    I don't believe Stuart Hill has joined this forum, but he has commented on "Monstrum" on the JSW Central YouTube channel (revealing interesting info about the ending).
    That's a quick overview. I may have missed some people (sorry about this!), this "old-timers" list is not necessarily exhaustive. And there are some wonderful people here who were not active in the Yahoo! Group days but have done A LOT for JSW and MM in the last decade - I'm sure you will be pleased to e-meet them 🙂 .
  19. Like
    MtM reacted to jetsetdanny in "Terry The Turtle" - item completability?   
    Platforms - yes. These are the so-called "Forbidden Hallowed Grounds". Please see this thread for more info.
    Items - no. If items were put in really inaccessible areas in a regular JSW game, the game would be incompletable, because you couldn't collect these items if you couldn't reach them. Hence you couldn't make Maria disappear or reach the bed to trigger the toilet run.
    This basic problem does not occur in "Terry The Turtle", because this game is not Maria-, bed- or toilet-completable - there is no Maria, no bed and no toilet run, so the fact that not all items can be collected does not matter. As defined by the author, "flashing Terry Tokens (...) do not have to be collected to complete the game, you just have to get Terry to deep water".
  20. Like
    MtM got a reaction from jetsetdanny in "Terry The Turtle" - item completability?   
    Is there a precendent set any in any other mods of JSW whereby just for decorative purposes for example
    items or platforms have been  put in inaccessible areas, tempting players to think 'How do I get to there?'
    when really it has been impossible?
  21. Thanks
    MtM reacted to jetsetdanny in "Terry The Turtle" - item completability?   
    Thank you for your thoughts. I believe the answer is 'no' to both questions.
    I've checked the rooms in question in JSWED, changing the attributes of all cells to certain default colours I always use for these occasions (blue on blue for Earth, green on green for Water, etc.), which rules out any hidden platforms.
    I also checked the guardians. I believe there are no switches in the game. I am pretty sure there aren't any custom code modifications, either - my understanding is that the game was designed using JSWED's GUI without any 'fancy' stuff.
  22. Like
    MtM got a reaction from IRF in [File] Manic Miner - Highscore Challenge   
    Right, I am going to say it, even if it's wrong - who is going to do this same experiment with JSW? 😉
    Edit - I have loaded up the original JSW just to see what possibilities there are for this. But it doesn't look like there are any? I know the arrows etc in the original corrupt data, but wondering what could be done to purposefully corrupt it like Duck has done? Not sure it is possible really. The thoughts of creating platforms in some rooms seems good though.
  23. Like
    MtM got a reaction from jetsetdanny in [File] Manic Miner - Highscore Challenge   
    Duck - that is very much in keeping with the level of obsession about all things JSW & MM
    related on these forums, excellent work! You also have more free time than I do! But top effort!
  24. Like
    MtM got a reaction from IRF in [File] Manic Miner - Highscore Challenge   
    Duck - that is very much in keeping with the level of obsession about all things JSW & MM
    related on these forums, excellent work! You also have more free time than I do! But top effort!
  25. Wow
    MtM reacted to DigitalDuck in [File] Manic Miner - Highscore Challenge   
    In short: earning enough extra lives corrupts the screen, which acts as floor tiles in most caverns and allow routes that aren't normally available.
    The following five scores are shown in the video:
    Abandoned Uranium Workings - 1856
    Miner Willy meets the Kong Beast - 4142
    Wacky Amoebatrons - 1377
    Attack of the Mutant Telephones - 1750
    Ore Refinery - 1884
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