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Jet Set Willy & Manic Miner Community


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    jetsetdanny got a reaction from Hervé AST in Chronology of the development of MM and JSW games   
    I have created a chronology of the development of Manic Miner and Jet Set Willy games for the ZX Spectrum. It is now available on JSW Central.
    You can browse through the pages split by years or download the whole document in PDF.
    Please let me know about any suggestions of corrections and additions or any other comments you may have. Your help will allow me to improve these resources for the benefit of the JSW & MM community. 
    Please report also any broken links you may find. All your feedback on JSW Central will be appreciated!
  2. Like
    jetsetdanny got a reaction from Hervé AST in Willy in the Islands of Mystery : part II : The Temple   
    Hello Hervé and All,
    I am really excited - and, in fact, moved - to see "The Temple" in my mailbox, indeed the sequel awaited for 18 years... What a great and emotional moment! 😊
    I will start playing the game very soon, initially without a 'playtest mindframe', but rather to enjoy. Not right now, and this is because of real-life circumstances. I am struggling with a heavy workload, and the day after tomorrow I will be travelling for work, which means I will have to finish up various things at the office tomorrow and then get ready for the trip. However, during the trip (which will take me a week), I will have my personal laptop with me and I will be sure to find some leisure moments to enjoy Part II of "Willy in the Islands of Mystery" 🙂 .
    I will get back to you all soon with my first impressions 🙂 .
  3. Thanks
    jetsetdanny got a reaction from Jet Set Willie in My game - What a Wonderful World of Willie   
    I have (finally) added "What a Wonderful World of Willie" to the list of JSW48 games on JSW Central (it's game No. 57 in the JSW48 category!) and I have created its individual page. Please let me know if you have any observations or suggestions regarding the text there 🙂 .
  4. Like
    jetsetdanny reacted to Jet Set Willie in [File] Jet Set Lemmy   
    I like your game and colours! 🙂 Especially title screen! It´s easy for me, but as you said, you did it for yourself, so I don´t mind. 🙂 
    It´s a nice feature that you made Willy to wear different coloured jacket and pants. 👍
    I also noticed you included a certain Atari game there. 😉
  5. Like
    jetsetdanny got a reaction from Hervé AST in My game - What a Wonderful World of Willie   
    After deliberating for half an hour whether this game is spam or not 🤣, I have approved it and it can now be downloaded by everyone. Thanks for creating it, Jet Set Willie, and congratulations on joining the exclusive club of JSW authors! 🙂
  6. Like
    jetsetdanny got a reaction from Spider in [File] What a Wonderful World of Willie   
    I have (finally) added "What a Wonderful World of Willie" to the list of JSW48 games on JSW Central (it's game No. 57 in the JSW48 category!) and I have created its individual page. Please let me know if you have any observations or suggestions regarding the text there 🙂 .
  7. Like
    jetsetdanny got a reaction from Spider in My game - What a Wonderful World of Willie   
    I have (finally) added "What a Wonderful World of Willie" to the list of JSW48 games on JSW Central (it's game No. 57 in the JSW48 category!) and I have created its individual page. Please let me know if you have any observations or suggestions regarding the text there 🙂 .
  8. Like
    jetsetdanny got a reaction from Spider in Embarrassing things   
    Glad to hear that, UncleWan! Happy JSWEDiting! 😊
  9. Like
    jetsetdanny got a reaction from Hervé AST in My game - What a Wonderful World of Willie   
    I have (finally) added "What a Wonderful World of Willie" to the list of JSW48 games on JSW Central (it's game No. 57 in the JSW48 category!) and I have created its individual page. Please let me know if you have any observations or suggestions regarding the text there 🙂 .
  10. Like
    jetsetdanny reacted to lemmylemming in [File] Jet Set Lemmy   
    If you prefer to credit me by my real name, it's Francisco Urzúa. I don't mind if you credit me by my real name or my nickname.
  11. Thanks
    jetsetdanny got a reaction from Hervé AST in Willy in the Islands of Mystery : part II : The Temple   
    Thanks for all the info, Hervé! It's great that your creativity is in full swing! 😁Your project No. 8 sounds really intriguing 🙂. 
    Yes, I think that'll be a good idea, to separate it from "Willy in the Islands of Mystery : part II : The Temple".
    Hervé, the title screen of "The Temple" looks great 😊. The only thing is that the "t" in "temple" looks to be in lower case. I would kindly suggest that you capitalise it, to stick to the capitalisation rules for titles. So it would look like this:

    In fact, the first part of the game is listed on JSW Central as "Willy in the Islands of Mystery (Part 1: Exploration)". I can't remember off the top of my head, but I assume this exact spelling of the name was discussed in the old Yahoo! Group. However, I can see that you used the Roman numeral for the second part ("Part II") and that indeed a Roman numeral was also used on the title screen of the first part ("Part I"), while an Arabic one was used in its scrolling message ("Part 1").
    Which is your preference for the listing of the title of the game on JSW Central? I could change the current "Willy in the Islands of Mystery (Part 1: Exploration)" to "Willy in the Islands of Mystery (Part I: Exploration)" and then the second part will be listed as "Willy in the Islands of Mystery (Part II: The Temple)". Personally, I think it actually looks better with Roman numerals ("I", "II") than with the Arabic ones ("1", "2"), but it's up to you to decide. Please let me know 🙂 .
    Have a great week!
  12. Like
    jetsetdanny got a reaction from Hervé AST in Embarrassing things   
    Glad to hear that, UncleWan! Happy JSWEDiting! 😊
  13. Thanks
    jetsetdanny got a reaction from UncleWan in Embarrassing things   
    Glad to hear that, UncleWan! Happy JSWEDiting! 😊
  14. Wow
    jetsetdanny reacted to Hervé AST in Willy in the Islands of Mystery : part II : The Temple   
    Hello Daniel and the whole community !
    I'm finishing the last little adjustments.
    I'm working now on the next three projects at the same time :
    6 - Welcome to Willy's fun Park! 64Z - 64 rooms
    7 - "Willy Saves Maria 64[ - 64 rooms
    8 - It's up to you to discover it by playing my next game! 64W - 128 rooms
    They are totally different (amusement park, medical exploration and the third that I am not announcing for the moment!) I find it nice to be able to create one or the other according to my desire of the day.
    For these projects the guards will be new, that's what motivates me a lot.
    I start by finishing the three plans on paper. This is perhaps the most complicated step.
    Then I will arrange the layout of the rooms in the three files created.
    I think the first game released will be project 6 "Welcome to Willy's fun Park" because I have already created rooms in the file. I have a clear vision of what I want to do.
    I don't know yet when this game will be released but it will surely be this year 2025.
    Do I create a new page in this forum for this new project 6 ?
    See you soon

    Have a good week everyone !

  15. Like
    jetsetdanny reacted to Spider in Langford Productions version of Manic Miner   
    Thank you from me too.
    They also have (for me at least) some other interesting 'Spectrum themed' platform games, namely Frankenstein , Automania and then things like Pyramid et al...
  16. Like
    jetsetdanny reacted to UncleWan in Embarrassing things   
    Thank you for your guidance, danny!😃
    I have tried to follow your advice and everything is fine.
  17. Thanks
    jetsetdanny got a reaction from UncleWan in Embarrassing things   
    I believe JSWED will NOT open TZX files (it will open it in Hex Editor, but you will not be able to edit the game using the GUI). Open a TAP file instead, or a SNA or Z80 file.
    Please note also that when you use an unmodified file of the original "Jet Set Willy", every time you will want to open the game you have just edited, you will get the colour code challenge. If you want to get rid of this, go to JSWED's Hex Editor and modify the value of the address 86B0 to C3, the value of the address 86B1 to CA, and the value of the address 86B2 to 87.
    Please let us know if everything works well for you 🙂 .
  18. Like
    jetsetdanny got a reaction from Spider in Editors / Emulators for Mac   
    Happy JSWEDiting, Igor! 🙂 
  19. Like
    jetsetdanny got a reaction from Spider in Langford Productions version of Manic Miner   
    Thanks for this find, AukonDK - very interesting! 👍
  20. Haha
    jetsetdanny got a reaction from Spider in JSW games ❤️ presents for your GFs   
    I've never gifted a game to any romantic partner. But I have a wife of many years who puts up with me spending time on JSW day after day and evening after evening. That's SO valuable! I could create a game for her, but I don't think she would want to see any more of JSW than she already does! 🤣
  21. Like
    jetsetdanny got a reaction from Spider in Embarrassing things   
    I believe JSWED will NOT open TZX files (it will open it in Hex Editor, but you will not be able to edit the game using the GUI). Open a TAP file instead, or a SNA or Z80 file.
    Please note also that when you use an unmodified file of the original "Jet Set Willy", every time you will want to open the game you have just edited, you will get the colour code challenge. If you want to get rid of this, go to JSWED's Hex Editor and modify the value of the address 86B0 to C3, the value of the address 86B1 to CA, and the value of the address 86B2 to 87.
    Please let us know if everything works well for you 🙂 .
  22. Like
    jetsetdanny reacted to igormakovsky in Editors / Emulators for Mac   
    I haven't tried, yet it seems there will be no problem. It doesn't depend on the current version only. I haven't used it due to unstableness, so it might be a good idea to mark it a the final stable one.
    Was so inspiring to launch a software I haven't been using for almost 20 years straight
  23. Haha
    jetsetdanny got a reaction from MtM in JSW games ❤️ presents for your GFs   
    I've never gifted a game to any romantic partner. But I have a wife of many years who puts up with me spending time on JSW day after day and evening after evening. That's SO valuable! I could create a game for her, but I don't think she would want to see any more of JSW than she already does! 🤣
  24. Thanks
    jetsetdanny got a reaction from Hervé AST in Willy in the Islands of Mystery : part II : The Temple   
    Bonjour Hervé, c’est une excellente nouvelle que Willy in the Islands of Mystery / Part 2 : The Temple soit terminé et prêt pour les tests de jeu ! Je serai ravi de le tester. En fait, j’ai hâte ! 😁
    C’est aussi une excellente nouvelle que tu aies commencé à travailler sur un nouveau jeu. Pourrais-tu révéler sur quel projet de la liste que tu avais présentée auparavant tu travailles ?
    And now the same in English so that everyone can read it without having to resort to electronic translation:
    Hello, Hervé, it's great news that "Willy in the Islands of Mystery / Part 2 : The Temple" is finished and ready for playtesting! I will be happy to do it. In fact, I can't wait! 😁
    It is also great news that you have started working on a new game. Could you reveal which project from the list you previously presented you are working on?
  25. Like
    jetsetdanny got a reaction from igormakovsky in Editors / Emulators for Mac   
    Well done, Igor! 😁
    Did you try porting JSWED version 2.3.7 as well, by any chance? Even though John Elliott describes it on his website as "the latest Unstable Version", it is really THE version to use, IMPO, unless you like/are used to 2.2.9 so much that you want to stick to it. 2.3.7 is at least as stable as 2.2.9, in my experience.
    In fact, now that I've looked it up, I can see that v. 2.3.7 was released on 7th April 2015. So a month from now it will be 10 years since its release. High time to change the description, John, if you happen to read these words! 😉
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