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GawpGRP got a reaction from Hervé AST in Hello (again)!
I figured I should say "hi" properly here. My name is Gary - I was part of the old yahoo group 20 odd years ago, and hosted the JSW Remakes site (as "Gawp" hence the user ID here).
It's been a long time, but after I stumbled on the walkthrough video on YouTube for my old "Willy Comes Home" effort, I found my way to JSW Central, and here. Thanks to @jetsetdanny for fixing it, and making the toilet run work (I honestly intended to fix it, but y'know...). It was a blast to see it completed, and see how it could have been better!
Also a big hello to @Sendy The Endless - hope you're good, and it's great to see you've been busy with JSW again - I always loved STRANGEL in particular 🙂
Apart from Danny and Sendy is there anyone else around from back then?
So many questions!!
Anyway, great to be 'back' and I'm looking forward to playing the many new remakes that have spring up in the last 20 years, and hopefully finishing "Voyager" 🙌
GawpGRP got a reaction from Hervé AST in "Willy Comes Home"
Well this is a blast from the past, and by that I mean "Willy Comes Home"!
Hi, I'm Gary (Gawp) - and I 'created' this version over 20 years ago... God I'm old! I found this place by chance via youtube, and JSW Central. Brilliant stuff 🙂
I'm amazed anyone finished WCH, and highly flattered that you fixed it in order to do so. Somewhere I have a couple of unfinished JSW games, if I can get an editor to work I may try to finish them.
Thanks again for making me smile 😀
- Gary
GawpGRP reacted to jetsetdanny in "WILLY, 48k about a Legend"
This has been mentioned before in other topics (most notably, in the one about JSW's 35th birthday party at Manchester PLAY Expo, where it had its UK premiere), but it hasn't had its own thread on this forum AFAICT, so here's one.
"WILLY, 48k about a Legend" is a documentary about "Manic Miner" and "Jet Set Willy" by Paolo Santagostino. Some useful links:
http://www.retrogamingplanet.it/intervista/intervista-a-paolo-santagostino-willy-amarcord-a-8-bit/ (in Italian)
Recently, Paolo has prepared two clips to celebrate JSW's 40th Anniversary:
It's JET SET WILLY 40th ANNIVERSARY - The Banyan Trailer
It's JET SET WILLY 40th ANNIVERSARY - The Mega Trailer
Enjoy! 🙂
GawpGRP got a reaction from Richard Hallas in Editors / Emulators for Mac
Thanks @Richard Hallas, appreciate the reply. Mine is not M series so one of the tools you mentioned should be ok. I don’t think I have the time or knowledge to rework JSWED on the Mac, so my choice is either a windows em or using my old Windows laptop. Either is ok at the moment.
currently I have it all working on the laptop so all ok for now. I will finish what I started over 20 years ago!!
GawpGRP got a reaction from Spider in Editors / Emulators for Mac
Thanks @Richard Hallas, appreciate the reply. Mine is not M series so one of the tools you mentioned should be ok. I don’t think I have the time or knowledge to rework JSWED on the Mac, so my choice is either a windows em or using my old Windows laptop. Either is ok at the moment.
currently I have it all working on the laptop so all ok for now. I will finish what I started over 20 years ago!!
GawpGRP reacted to Richard Hallas in Editors / Emulators for Mac
I do use a Mac primarily, yes, and still RISC OS too, some of the time. I only use Windows when I have to, because I really dislike it.
I do get frustrated, though, by the fact that so many of the emulators, editors and tools that I’d like to use are typically Windows only. Or Windows and Linux only, but never Mac. It’s though there’s a conspiracy only ever to support crap user interfaces! 😉
Nevertheless, there are still lots of options on the Mac, and plenty of Spectrum emulators (including two separate ports of Fuse).
When I want to use PC software I typically use Parallels Desktop, which is an absolutely fantastic product and typically just as fast as a real PC. Or there are several Wine-based alternatives that perform really well too; CrossOver is a good commercial option with a range of enhancements, but there are several free Wine-based options.
The complication of recent years, though, is the move from Intel to ARM in recent Apple Silicon Macs, as this has had ramifications in terms of PC emulation/virtualisation. Basically, it means that if you’re on a modern M-series Mac, then (a) you have to virtualise a recent ARM-based version of Windows under Parallels, and (b) a lot of the Wine-based options are Intel-only, so won’t work at all. But it could be worse. If you’re happy to use Windows 11 under virtualisation, then it’s likely to run everything you want, and as for Wine, CrossOver somehow still works (very well) on the latest M-chips – and new freeware options seem to keep appearing.
Of course, it would still be vastly preferable to have native tools on the Mac, so if John or anyone else were to build JSWED for the Mac, I’d be extremely interested.
At one point I did start making a half-hearted attempt to get JSWED working on the Mac myself. Unfortunately my personal circumstances these days are such that I have very little free time of my own in which to tinker, so I can’t say anything very useful about JSWED specifically, except that I’m sure it’d work in something like Parallels or CrossOver. But I’d love it if someone created a decent native port. If that happened, it’d probably give me the incentive to start on a new JSW game myself.
GawpGRP reacted to jetsetdanny in Post number 10000!
We have gone over 16,000 posts on the forum today, 25th April 2024! 😁
You can't see it on the main page with this new version of the software (because it only shows a rounded-up number), but we have been tracking it on the admins' side and it's just happened. A big thank you to everyone who keeps the forum going! 🙂
GawpGRP got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Editors / Emulators for Mac
That’s great, thanks Daniel 🙌
GawpGRP reacted to Spider in Editors / Emulators for Mac
I'm similar but reversed 😉
I use Spin 99% of the time as I like the way it works plus the ease of 'small code edits' directly.
To record .rzx's I use Spectaculator as Spin likes to pause it on each save (hugely annoying) plus I find it easier with the INS/DEL of Spectaculator.
I do have Zero and Fuse installed but they are (probably) out of date and I only use them if I have a specific need. In particular Zero has an absolutely fantastic debugger, you can break on a memory location being read -or- (or not and) being written or when it contains a specific value and only that value. Also you can break on registers containing specific values (say "Break if HL is set to 34567) etc. It is not hugely friendly I found as the 'continue/start' ignores the settings you have to use the actual debug window to restart but in the past I have found it hugely helpful for backtracing, where for instance someone has provided a poke for infinite lives or such but then I want to backtrace to where they are actually initially set instead. Does save time looking 😉 🙂
I do remember ZX32 for Windows 9x and also X128. The latter 'full version' (or was it the former?) was released free I think eventually. I do recall one of these, the demo trial version after 10 minutes would not expire but set it to full speed.
GawpGRP reacted to jetsetdanny in Editors / Emulators for Mac
I used zx32 back in those days, but it's definitely out of date now.
I believe this list of emulators may be useful, and also this one (the latter featuring direct download links).
GawpGRP got a reaction from Spider in "Willy Comes Home"
Totally agree. I had a very quick look today (got the old laptop working for now) and seems I added quite a lot to Phantasmagoria form the original MC version I have.
It would be a shame to waste both so I’m happy to work it out depending on MC interest down the line.
I will prioritise Voyager though.
Yeh I totally understand about “real life” as it’s all busy here too. For me a bit of JSW-MM editing is good downtime I can jump in and out of quickly.
I’m happily surprised that the scene is so vibrant 😊
GawpGRP got a reaction from Spider in Hello (again)!
Yes that is the correct link - there are many sub pages, and certainly at the time Carl was confident he had it all, and I uploaded everything he saved. Obviously some of the external links may not still work. Sadly I don’t think I have it saved anywhere now - I will double check though.
GawpGRP got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Editors / Emulators for Mac
Thanks Daniel, I’ll have a look at those.
I had the old zx32 emulator but is over 20 years old and kept crashing so thought I’d check out some newer ones 👍🏻
GawpGRP reacted to jetsetdanny in Editors / Emulators for Mac
It's good to know (from the other thread) that you did get your old laptop working.
I use two emulators: ZX Spin (which is free) for playing (I pretty much always play using Rollback, i.e. RZX-recording games and being able to roll them back to cue points if I lose a life or want to repeat a manoeuvre) and Spectaculator (of which I own a registered copy) for watching RZX recordings and for playing them back when I record videos for the JSW Central YouTube channel.
However, these are just my personal preferences. I know people use other emulators, like Fuse or Qaop. It would actually be interesting to hear what other emulators people use these days 🙂 .
GawpGRP got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Hello (again)!
Yes that is the correct link - there are many sub pages, and certainly at the time Carl was confident he had it all, and I uploaded everything he saved. Obviously some of the external links may not still work. Sadly I don’t think I have it saved anywhere now - I will double check though.
GawpGRP reacted to jetsetdanny in "Willy Comes Home"
Great news! 😁
Indeed it is! And you've come back at just the right time, because 2023 was an exceptional year for the MM and JSW games for the ZX Spectrum with a record number (compared to the previous decade and a half, at least) of releases of brand-new games, as I tried to summarise here. So now you've got a chance to contribute to this positive dynamic! 😉
GawpGRP got a reaction from jetsetdanny in Editors / Emulators for Mac
Thanks - I’ll have a look at that. To be honest I haven’t looked that hard yet!
I guess I was lazily hoping someone would point me at one hehe.
On the plus side I have got my very old windows laptop working (Win10), and will try JSWED on it this weekend. May be easier as my Mac is an iMac so not portable.
I’ll likely have to find a newer emulator as my 20 year old one is a bit glitchy!
GawpGRP got a reaction from jetsetdanny in "Willy Comes Home"
Totally agree. I had a very quick look today (got the old laptop working for now) and seems I added quite a lot to Phantasmagoria form the original MC version I have.
It would be a shame to waste both so I’m happy to work it out depending on MC interest down the line.
I will prioritise Voyager though.
Yeh I totally understand about “real life” as it’s all busy here too. For me a bit of JSW-MM editing is good downtime I can jump in and out of quickly.
I’m happily surprised that the scene is so vibrant 😊
GawpGRP reacted to jetsetdanny in "Willy Comes Home"
Either is fine. Outside of the MM/JSW world I usually use "Daniel". Here many people refer to me as "Danny", probably because of the nickname "jetsetdanny", which I created as a username for e-mail and forums, but I've never been particularly attached to (never used it as a nickname to sign my games or other projects I've been involved in). But I kind of like "Danny" and I've grown quite used to it 🙂 .
It'll be a pleasure 🙂 . I'm looking forward to it already!
A great list! 😁
It's your call, of course, but I would definitely second finishing "Voyager" first, given how much work you have put into it already. It just seems such a waste when advanced projects don't get finished...
Later on, let's see about the Mass Collab. I did mention that 'outside-life' circumstances (not to say 'real-life', since MM and JSW are as real to me! 😉) may not allow me to attend to it for quite a while, but we'll see. Perhaps your active involvement (in one way or another, taking "Phantasmagoria" into account) could help me prioritise it over some other projects/activities. After all, it's a very advanced project, too, so it must not go to waste. I definitely won't let it go to waste, it's beyond any doubt for me that it should be finished (with some involvement from the new generation of JSW authors, if they wish to contribute), it's just a question of proper timing and harmonising the time and effort it will require with 'outside' pressures...
GawpGRP reacted to jetsetdanny in Hello (again)!
Thanks, Gary! 👍
Could you give us the link to where Erix1's site is preserved though? I'm aware of this page, but it doesn't look like a whole site of his.
One obvious thing I could link to from JSW Central would be his (preserved) home pages of "Manic Miner Mythologies: Eugene - Lord of the Bathroom" and "Maria vs. Some Bastards".
GawpGRP reacted to MtM in Editors / Emulators for Mac
Hello Gawp. I have asked about Mac editors previously, I do have a pc, but tend to use my macbook
more these for most things, so a Mac editor would be really good. In truth I have not looked that hard, it
may be that someone has compiled JSWED for Mac and it is currently on github or the like, have you had
a good look for it?
EDIT: this looks interesting?
GawpGRP got a reaction from jetsetdanny in "Willy Comes Home"
Hi Daniel (or do you prefer Danny?),
Excellent digging there - I did find the files, but can't see them yet until I either get the Emu/Editor for mac // my old windows laptop working. (It feels like getting the Windows laptop working will be easier).
You're quite right - my memory was fuzzy! (it is is 20+ years) - for The MC Utility Cubicles, and I had added quite a lot to it. I can't recall exactly how much was added since to Phantasmagoria separately, but I will check. If you manage to get the MC going again at some point I'm happy to contribute what I done already. I'll confirm what I have used for Phantasmagoria, and if that's still worth working on. I'll be trying to finish Voyager first, so I'm happy to go with the flow on the mass collab. Either way I'll let you know when I get the files working.
And I'll definitely be up for you play testing Voyager 🙂
So to summarise:
Get laptop, make it work...
Voyager - Top priority - I will finish this! Phantasmagoria - I will see how much extra was done, and decide to either carry on or leave it for the MassCollab. UC Mass Collaboration - either keep what I did, or give something new if Phantasmagoria is a go-er. Ants Invasion - I remember planning it and starting some rooms, so will evaluate when I see it. King Willy - was just an idea, nothing created. I'll finish the other stuff first and see if I still fancy it. I've never done a Manic Miner game, so... 😉 - Gary