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JSW As Manufacturer (probably) intended .. kind of...


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Was hoping to release my finished article tonight, however, I was

going through a final playtest when i came up against an unexpected snag..


Try putting in the 'Don't Lose Your Head' corrective routine to stop Willy being able to partially walk through walls, then make your way to the Forgotten Abbey and collect the item.. does anyone come up against the same problem as I do?


There are two ways around that:


(1) Simply replace the Earth cell in question with a Water cell; that would arguably be more in keeping with the aesthetics of the room than is the Earth cell (i.e. there are other instances of Water cells adjacent to the side walls of the room, whereas there is only a single random example of an Earth cell that protrudes beyond the perimeter walls/ceiling/floor);


(2) Rely on the player being able to perform a well-timed jump through the Earth block as per the attached .rzx recording.  You only get one shot at it though; if you don't make a pixel-perfect jump then the conveyor stops you going back to try again, and you'd have to wait for the green Monk to come along and extinguish a life before Willy is reincarnated at the bottom-left (with the item collected).


Dr Andrew Broad's mirror-imaged version of JSW ("ylliW teS teJ") requires the player to make this very manoeuvre (either that or sacrifice a life).  However, I don't think that it's something which you should expect the average player of the original JSW to be able to pull off, and so I would go for option (1) above.




Incidentally, after I performed the quirky jump in the recording, observe the way in which I got Willy to jump into the wall at the bottom-left via another quirky jump.  (The fix only stops Willy from walking through an Earth cell at head height, but he can still jump through them!)


However, you should also notice that he can't progress beyond a depth of one Earth cell into the wall, because of the implementation of the fix.  Whereas in the original JSW, without the head-height Earth cell fix in place, after performing the same manoeuvre it is possible for Willy to carry on walking through the wall - emerging at the bottom-right of The Wine Cellar (where, if you don't keep walking, he gets stuck on the conveyor in that room, and you have to abandon the game!)

Earth cell in Forgotten Abbey.rzx

Edited by IRF
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Was hoping to release my finished article tonight, however, I was

going through a final playtest when i came up against an unexpected snag..


Try putting in the 'Don't Lose Your Head' corrective routine to stop Willy being able to partially walk through walls, then make your way to the Forgotten Abbey and collect the item.. does anyone come up against the same problem as I do?


Is this still a concern or have you had chance to progress ? :) :D

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Tried numerous solutions including the above, also considered putting the item in a recess and adding another ledge below but this, in my opinion, deviates too far from the original layout, so i decided to just replace the earth cell with a water cell, 2 reasons for this:


1: As you mentioned above we would be relying on the player to exploit a bug for more accurately a quirk allowing Willy to jump through earth cells


2: As you rightly mention, looking at the room with the water cell in place it looks more in keeping with the original design, i could even go as far as to say that it might have been a bit of an oversight to put an earth cell there given that all of the other ledges in the room are water cells. One would barely even notice the difference

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by the way, had look at the clock timing, still not quite worked out how to speed up time, even looking at the spoiler i'm none the wiser!   :wacko:


At this time i'm inclined to release game as is with the clock running at it's original speed


I think at this stage i've just about sorted out everything else 

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I'd like to share with you my 1st playtestable. it's a .TAP file. in this file are 2 loaders, the 1st loader is just the bog standard one which loads the game as normal, you will be presented with the code entry screen but the game will run anyway whatever code you enter, i did this to make sure the 'R9' poke was working. The second loader contains the necessary POKEs to bypass the short delay and code entry screen and proceed straight to the title screen.


Have a read of the text doc as well (pardon the spelling)


Let me know what you think

JSW AMI1.1 test.zip

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Excellent. I like what I see so far. :)


I have had a sneaky look at the rooms as well as playing.


My initial thoughts:


1. I like your 'lower platform' method of fixing Rescue Esmerelda


2. Its good to see you did the (imo, the quick and easy fix while not spoiling the layout) for the Watch Tower 'top exit'


3. Excellent use of #47 :) Although the right exit is not yet defined (set to self)


4. There was a potential use for 47 if it was not used elsewhere, without giving much away left from Out on a limb, led to you to "Without a limb" in JSW2,  a completely empty room resulting in a fatal fall.


5. I'm not 100% sure the 3rd or 4th item in Conservatory can be collected safely :unsure: but I'm not a brilliant player


6. I appreciate the retention of the keypad. If you would rather it passed on the first attempt instead of the second POKE 34483,195 (just that)


7. The Basic loader, I would recommend removing or REM'ing out the 23613 POKE personally:



11 INK 1 : PAPER 1

Or (more original?)

11 INK 1 : PAPER 1 : REM POKE 23613,0

8. Talking of Basic loaders, here is the normal Basic loader but the (embedded) codes are changed to statements to make it easier to read, this also means it does not mess the display up a bit when viewing the Basic in 48K mode either:





No embedded:



Tape of said loader, not auto start (no LINE x) so you can see it




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