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Jet Set Willy & Manic Miner Community


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Everything posted by MtM

  1. That route in Wacky Amoebatrons is a shocker! 😉 It looks on like on several occasions WIlly has made proper contact with baddie sprites to me, he changes colour due to proximity. Further, I suppose one huge advantage that the AI has is that it can make perfect jumps every time off the very end of ledges without having to worry about keypresses being correctly read.
  2. This seems like _ages_ ago now, early December. Oh well. Perhaps we will have the Christmas-themed Manic Miner for next Christmas? We can live in hope ...
  3. Not blasphemous at all in my personal opinion Heracleum. However, until it speeds up on FF I won't be able to play it much 😞 I think it is an excellent idea, I have the original C64 version of Impossible Mission sat on my shelves behind me, I never finished it, in truth if you are going to do _any_ sound at all on this, you really need to get the speech from Impossible Mission into the game. Not only the original speech, but a new version of the speech with a female voice that could be Maria berating Willy. Just my opinion anyway 🙂
  4. That was an ugly route in the Menagerie 😉 Good score though 🙂
  5. This is all too complicated for me 😉
  6. I am using Firefox, so you are right. Unfortunately, I do not use any other browsers at all (except Safari if I am using a Mac) so slow it is for me, apologies I should of said under Firefox when I posted originally. Any chance of any sound?
  7. Hugely impressive, and welcome to the forum! It seems to run fairly slowly, is there any way to speed it up?
  8. Welcome to the forum Crem, very good to have another new member! This reminds me of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_Blue_versus_Garry_Kasparov Human players will always make the most beautiful routes 😉 It is very interesting to watch and read about though, and I suppose proves that this is brute force AI, not intuitive AI. Imagine if the baddies could respond using similar means - we would still all be stuck on the Central Cavern...
  9. If you follow the Kickstarter link above now it says this is subject to an intellectual property dispute, which makes sense. I hope The Equaliser didn't lose any more money on this ...
  10. Norman, is that a crt that The Attic is displayed on? Lovely colours anyway, it looks superb.
  11. C'est incroyable, JSDanny! Well done. What a piece of work, commendable. Nothing escapes the people on this forum when it comes to JSW & MM information.
  12. I like this idea definitely in principle, but IRF has said what I was thinking, it strikes me it would make some rooms impossible with baddie movement. Perhaps walking out and then in again into a room would be a fix. Hmm. Is it possible that you could become trapped in a room and not be able to get out again maybe, thus forcing a loss of life? The temporary immunity is perhaps another solution, hmm. I would like to see it, something that could as you say build on the JSW we all know and love but offer a new challenge perhaps. It seems more consistent to me if every game and every screen entry had the random elements. Could we have the in game tune similarly changed too, I definitely like the idea of that, some of the most creative mods I think are the ones where the music is responsive, I think JSDanny did a good one, Madame B was it? where the music changed a lot. I expect Norman Sword will have an opinion on this randomising idea too.
  13. MtM

    Manic Miner Apple II

    Welcome to the forum JianYang, you have reached the highest level of MM & JSW expertise in the world here, excluding myself of course. I remember seeing this on the Spectrum Computing forums I think about a year or so ago, very impressive remake, especially considering the resolution issues. I haven't played it though so I do not know what it plays like, have you? Anyway, welcome again. This forum is a very friendly place, not mad busy but very helpful. Tell a lie, I think it was Indie Retro News. I have definitely seen it before though. http://www.indieretronews.com/search?q=manic+miner+apple+ii
  14. All this twitch stuff is too complicated for me, but well done anyway, in any money you raised for a good cause.
  15. Same with Brian Bloodaxe on the Spectrum, even down to the in game music. Strange game though that, never really got anywhere with it. Maybe it is worth starting a rumour about an impossibly rare pre-production version of MM that features the skylambs? 😉
  16. MtM

    Manic Miner 3D

    I think the character 'Dave Angel' from The Fast Show would be very good to feature in a MM / JSW mod 😉 Probably my favourite from that show.
  17. MtM

    Manic Miner 3D

    Is this something to do with playing games in Vice?
  18. Yes all makes sense now thanks Spider 🙂
  19. Ah, my mistake, was thinking it was JSW2 you were after, apologies.
  20. MtM

    Manic Miner 3D

    Jet Set Willy 3d has been something I have wanted to see since seeing the original Tomb Raider on the Sega Saturn / PSX in November of 1996, as soon as I saw it made me think that this is how it could be realised. The interpretation of MM in 3D is fair, but also makes me think of Nebulous on the Spectrum and C64, as well as various Mario games on various Nintendo bits of hardware. I agree that perhaps there is something more that could be done to it, though it would take more thought. I am not a complete fan of the implementation as it stands, but I would love to see it finished and would certainly pay for it.
  21. Hmm. I wanted to say yes, but was not sure where I might of seen it. Does this help? http://www.jdawiseman.com/papers/games/jsw2/jsw2_cartography.html#cartography_room_3x Or maybe this? https://www.the-tipshop.co.uk/cgi-bin/info.pl?name=Jet Set Willy II
  22. Top work there RB, you are clearly someone who practices a _lot_. I think you should definitely mention this in an interview, you never know, the person interviewing may be a JSW / MM fan 😉 In truth, I don't think I could do a speed run. Although I am competent, I do not have the time to practice really. Maybe MM, but not JSW, certainly not JSW2. Very entertaining and instructional though, please keep posting your videos!
  23. My goodness, mustn't it just - RB, please, explain how you organised that if you would be so kind? Presumably a list somewhere in your eyeline with the rooms on in order you need to go to? I have never seen anything like it! Incredibly impressive.
  24. >Firstly, I have to say I've played several Miner Willy mods on stream and TNE was by far my favourite. I've >played other mods that seemed determined to make JSW as difficult as possible and often they've felt >either joylessly gruelling or just rather clumsy (I won't name any specific mods in case any of the creators >happen to be on this board!). Also, few of them seemed to tap into the design flair that Matthew Smith >brought to the table with his original games. Hello RB, Good to have another new member here, so welcome! The degree of knowledge and ability on this forum (myself excluded) is second to none in the entire world. You certainly bring good evidence of your own ability in the great fun video of JSW TNE you made, so thank you for that, you are a very worthy addition. I agree entirely with the quote from you above too, could not of put it better myself. The line between being an enjoyable game and just too hard is a fine one. I think as we age as older gamers, personally anyway, my patience for trying to overcome rock hard first or second screens is not what it once was, and that is probably a good thing, because it reflects a more critical way of thinking. Check out Manic Panic if you can, a brilliant piece of work by Norman Sword on these forums, well worth it, a state of the art MM modification with some genuine flair about it in the same mold as MS himself I think. I hope Norman doesn't object to that description. But in truth, all the people or here who have done mods have done brilliant work for free. Please keep up the good work and keep us updated with your latest videos of MM & JSW 🙂 MtM
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