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Jet Set Willy & Manic Miner Community

Jet Set Willie

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Everything posted by Jet Set Willie

  1. Fireball-Mario Willy won´t meet Angry Birds. 🙂 I think this is a great idea! I´d suggest that please don´t change anything from your idea yet, as the idea is great, just ask help for the level design, sure there will be some people who can help. 🙂 It´s also possible to make a version without platform shooting, that the other side of the platforms will start to dive, when you step too far. But also it should be possible (for fun!) to run back before platform dives too far (just like in slapstick movies!) and Willy´s weight will make the platform to rise again to it´s original balance. If the player will not run back to the opposite direction the platform will quickly collapse. I hope you understood what I was trying to describe. 🙂 I will try your pre-pre-pre-game later.
  2. Btw, has anybody seriously thought to make 128K versions of those JSW games, keeping those old games as they are, just adding AY arrangements of those tunes from Craig´s game? One in-game tune per game. AY has just three channels and misses a lot of features, but still it can produce a nice echo sound, etc.. Those tunes are great and will need AY arrangements.
  3. Thank you everybody! Thanks Danny for the Dosbox link! Z: prompt felt strange as I couldn´t change it but a quick look at manual and Craig´s game start working! It was great to play those games again! Also nice to watch DOS screen once again, even it´s not "real". Thank you! 🙂
  4. Hi! 🙂 I used to play Andy Noble´s PC version, until I got Craig Rothwell´s update with all the JSW games and ´level select´ menu. I played that for a long time. 😊 I thought to refresh my memories by downloading Craig´s version, just to notice it won´t work on my 64bit Windows 11. 😟 Is there some patch available somewhere?
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