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Jet Set Willie

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Everything posted by Jet Set Willie

  1. I like the original BBC versions. 🙂
  2. I don´t care about that game, but I think the name is great for another new JSW game. 🙂 Maybe we should "hijack" that name for a next project? 👍
  3. Thank you very much, Mike! It was very interesting to read your info! 🙂 What´s the year of this Phoenixx Software´s advertisement?
  4. Thank you. 🙂 I think the same about that they can be a pleasure to play. At least there will be a pleasure to look at some eye/effect candy. 🙂 I hope people will like those little add-ons, made possible with 128K memory. 🙂 I´m not sure how many will think they are still too hard, I have made them easier anyway and I will continue to bring some "easy touch" to existing rooms. When you practise enough, you will notice you can easily make a dash through the guardians, just please practise and memorize first where and how you can make it. 🙂 In many rooms there are alternative routes, if you don´t like to go certain way or think some platform is too hard to pass.
  5. I thought to bring you a little notice how my two games are doing. 🙂 The current room development stages are "Diner" 65% finished and "Mansion" 72% finished. The needed little pieces of extra code is missing from both games. No new music is available, I haven´t done anything for it, as it feels stupid to make music as I don´t know how to add the tunes to my games. In "Mansion" game, I managed to get one buggy arrow room to work! 🙂 I mean the features/bugs of JSW or JSWED, I´m glad I managed to get around them and learned a bit more about arrows to make them do what they were not intended to do. 🙂 Let´s see, if somebody has made such an arrow room previously or not! 😉 I don´t know yet, how to connect certain rooms together, this applies for both games. I have some ideas, though. 🙂 The difficulty level for both games will be easier than in What a Wonderful World of Willie, but you will have to discover how to solve the rooms. 🙂 No "impossible" rooms are included, there are some little "traps", though. 🙂 If you can´t solve the room, you have somehow gone the wrong route and haven´t practised enough. 🙂 Both games will have easy and a bit harder rooms to play, something for everyone! 🙂
  6. OK, thank you, Danny. 🙂 As they were available under bug-fixed editions topic, I thought they were mostly fixed already. I would have reported about such a bug anyway, no matter what version the game is, if the bug was not mentioned in the topic. 🙂
  7. Don´t worry, it´s better to make the needed addings and fixes late, instead of never finishing what you want to add or fix. 🙂
  8. I have played various Frosya games and liked their very nice graphics! 🙂 Here´s a feedback about a bug I have found. Uzor game starting from "Warehouse next to the dead pond" has a bug. When game starts, go up, left, down. The game ends to multiple deaths in "Green peace wasn´t here". Now, if you start a new game, the game will end to multiple deaths.
  9. I have read JSWcentral text now. 🙂 Thank you very much, Danny! You have written it better than I could have done it. 🙂Also thank you for putting there the screenshots of my loader program! 👍If somebody should choose to load .TAP, the loader is not visible. I found one thing what needs to be changed a bit and couple ones to possible change them, or not. 🙂 It´s "To accommodate all players, an infinite lives option was also included at the start, allowing anyone to complete the game if they choose.". Only the .TZX file will bring the infinite lives option, as the .TAP just loads the game without the loader, without the loading screen and thus without the infinite lives question what is inside the loader program. So please mention that .TZX file is the one for "full game experience with loading screens and infinite lives option." 🙂 The .TAP is there if somebody wants to check my game in JSWED. 🙂 "(The game is not bed-completable, toilet-completable or Maria-completable, as it does not feature these elements. It is item-completable only and ends when the protagonist reaches the final screen.)" I don´t mind if you don´t change the above one, but... [I will put the rest under the spoiler alert to not spoil anyone´s playing experience] 🙂 I don´t remember if it´s mentioned in other JSW and MM games pages at JSWcentral, but I noticed that it was not mentioned that my game features new title and ingame musics, and new sound effects, too. I don´t mind, if you don´t mention that, 🙂 just thought to say this. 🙂
  10. Jet Set Willy is a "Humoresque game" already, so it´s Ok. 🙂
  11. I like your game and colours! 🙂 Especially title screen! It´s easy for me, but as you said, you did it for yourself, so I don´t mind. 🙂 It´s a nice feature that you made Willy to wear different coloured jacket and pants. 👍 I also noticed you included a certain Atari game there. 😉
  12. UncleWan, I have just sent you a message with couple of files. 🙂
  13. I hope that, too. I am sure it´s easy when you know how.
  14. Thank you! 🙂I did download it and tried the songs what came with it. How KDFsoft´s AY Megademo Digital Part 2 is done? It clearly sounds it has digitized samples there. Does this work on the Spectrum, too? Can the Spectrum run this with some game, or does it need too much power? I am not thinking to use it with my JSWED game, just asking. 🙂 I have tried XMPlay with ZXTune plugin, too, but I don´t know how I could get what I want with it. How I can load .pt3 to Soundtracker Compiler anyway? Soundtracker Compiler is a .TZX file, ie used on the Spectrum, not Windows. To load you need to have either tape file or disk file, .pt3 is not either one. Are you able to compile .pt3 file to use it in JSWED? I can send you my .pt3 testfile.
  15. Thank you! 🤗 I will try XMPlay tomorrow. 🙂
  16. A very lovely screen, with great detail! 🙂 And a cute idea, too. I have done some little bits in the past, with Basic, but the graphics weren´t this good. 😄
  17. I did check your site via your links, I like your drawings and their colours! 🙂
  18. Thank you, I did read worldofsam. Nice to see Sam Coupé specs and info, there were too much for a one go, though, I must continue later. 🙂 I checked SA1099 from the youtube, the first example was just like AY, but the others introduced more than 3 channels, too. 🙂 After those videos, I am not sure, if sound quality wise SA1099 is near the ST or better somehow. Amiga seems to be still ahead, with it´s sample player. There were some really well made tunes there, showing what SA1099 can do. 🙂 Stereo is a nice thing to have, something what ST doesn´t have. With 6 channels even better! 🙂 Graphicswise Sam looks good, but having just 128 colours was a surprise. Though, back in the day I think most people would have been happy with them and wouldn´t have missed 256, 512 or more colours. According worldofsam specs, RAM delays were slowing Sam quite a much! So in average, the ST is faster?
  19. Thank you. 🙂 BZR Player is unstable, at least with .pt3 and .ay files, even I didn´t choose the unstable version. It has crashed many times when I added a file. XMPlay has a problem, too. XMPlay.exe and XMPlay textfile won´t be unzipped for some reason. Only .dll files will unzip. I tried to download and unzip again, no luck. Could somebody please send me a message, attaching the missing XMPlay.exe and XMPlay textfile, thank you. 🙂
  20. Hi Igor! I had played Frosya the Cat, it was a long time ago, though, I don´t remember much, but I liked it. 🙂 Thank you for sharing the photos! Frosya itself is seen in the first picture? 🙂 Those are really good drawings, well coloured, too!
  21. Thank you again, your graphical point became clear despite one unreadable part. 🙂 This was the first time I saw Sam Coupe in action, even on an emulator, it looked nice! 🙂 I had read about it, when Your Sinclair had a few pages long Sam Coupe feature 🙂 but I don´t remember anything as it was so long time ago, except I understood that Sam was at least ST quality, one picture showed a face of a smiling woman on Sam´s monitor. But I don´t remember how it fared soundwise and if Your Sinclair covered Sam´s sound well enough to compare it between ST and Amiga. But I thought it was a very good machine in it´s class. 🙂 I don´t remember much about the Sam´s case, except I think it had more "personality" in it´s look than ST and Amiga.
  22. In those Norman´s screenshots, I think it´s our Willy in his miner days, no top hat yet. 🙂
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