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Everything posted by Spider

  1. Thank you! :) As a sidenote I do have a rough map of the BBC 'tape' version of JSW2, I just need to 'stitch' it together really. Completely different to the 'disc' version as expected. More about that another time.
  2. I'll rebuild them at 256x256 let me know what you think. :) I had them at 512x512 previously. It will still display them at 'uploaded' size upon click, well more or less afaik it will limit them to 1600x1200 if there were larger than that originally.
  3. I'll try that later. :) I had much fun with Vice getting the Vic20 version to run, it needed the memory expansion but finding out how to enable that was not straightforward it seemed, at least for me. A lot of settings.
  4. Thanks! :D Some rooms there that I'm not aware of being present in any other versions ie Hall Of Mirrors / Guest Room.
  5. Spider

    Dragon 32 Version

    Thanks for the screenshots and details. :) Tis interesting they had a few 'extras' too. Does the Dragon version have sound ?
  6. That's partly my fault. I did try them at their original resolutio but they looked so tiny. So I had them about double size (which is usually the emulator window size I use) I used infranview to mass change (from .bmp to .png and resize) although I may of got carried away a bit. Its an interesting thought though. They are resized here if they are too large (I think I set it at 512x512) but clicking the image opens the lightbox to view at uploaded size. Not sure what to suggest really about this. I do think you're right though. :) But at the same time 'postage stamp' size images are a bit offputting. I guess I could set the thumb size at say 256x256 so they would appear 'reasonably normal' but cicking would show an 'expanded / zoomed' image ?
  7. A Vic20 version was released although it bears hardly any resemblance it seems. Its more like Manic Miner in a way. Currently I'm unable to get it to play nicely so the screenshots and information is limited. There may be more than the seven screens I have managed to assemble. From what I can recall I do not think (I could be wrong) it was not too well received at the time either: Title Screens: In Game Screens: More information will follow as soon as its available.
  8. Spider

    Zx81 Version

    I'm unable to find a great deal of information on this version currently. I have to assume its an 'unofficial' version however but its quite remarkable to fit a smaller version of this game into 16K. Author is listed as Ales Martinik. Being a ZX81 game there's no colour and no sound. I'm unable to find an English version of it currently either. I'm unsure if there are more than the eleven levels indicated in the 'demo mode'. Here are a few screenshots for the moment: Title: Game Over: In Game Screenshots:
  9. Spider

    Jsw 16K

    This is quite a remarkable achievement in my opinion, rewriting JSW to fit into a 16K machine. Its written by Jonathan Cauldwell who also wrote Arcade Game and Platform Game designers amongst many other things. :) Naturally there are some limitations in doing this. I noted the following There is no sound with the exception of a noise on a loss of life. Sprites are mostly white The mansion is cut down, in particular there is nothing past the Tool Shed (ie: beach etc), no MegaTree and no 'top level ie 'On The Roof' etc. There's no 'boot' Game Over screen There is no ending as such, the game just ends. Most rooms have less sprites than the original There are no ropes There are no conveyors I counted 37 screens although I may of missed one or two. Loader: Title: Game Over: Onwards with some in game screenshots:
  10. I thought about some kind of list. WOS would be an excellent place to research for this (spectrum versions at least) I'm not aware of edited games for other platforms however.
  11. Yeah forum structure still open to suggestions please. :) I did consider getting a JSW one but the cost was a bit too much for me unfortunately. I should of said "sod it" and got one last year really. Looks good. :D Have you put it in a frame ?
  12. Spider

    Jsw2 C64 Version

    Today I took a look at JSW2 the C64/C128 version. It's broadly the same as the Spectrum / Amstrad version with a few rooming name changes. There's still a 'floating' feeling with jumping however it seems better or I've got more used to this version. The following major differences were noted: 1. The 'game over' is not a boot its Maria kicking Willy across the screen, it kind of reminds me of Technician Ted's 'Boss' actually I think. :) 2. The Deserted Isle does not have a countdown, instead a nasty (imitating the moon I guess) slowly decends at which point the 'blocking' palm tree goes and Willy is transported back to The Bathroom 3. There's an exit on the far left lower corner of Entrance To Hades, however a bit of extra cheating (ahem) shows this has no exit as you just end up back in The Bathroom 4. A one way trap is encountered if you jump into the toilet in The Bathroom leading to a series of rooms with one way floors, you end up at the bottom of the well ultimately. I think only the Commodore version has this "extra" 5. The ending is the same as the Spectrum (not checked Amstrad yet) version. Pics are included of the sequence in a spoiler. Onwards with the pics. Click to see a larger image. I want to start with the 'Title', 'Game Over', the 'Deserted Isle' and 'Toilet' screens then there's a selection of most but not all rooms, finishing with the 'ending' screens Title Game Over Jumping down the toilet in The Bathroom Deserted Isle Onwards with the main game screens now Ending Sequence
  13. I've made a rough (on paper) map of the 'tape' version. I plan to assemble it into screenshots at some point. To summarize its got (most) of the 'space' rooms intact but the mansion is very small. No megatree etc. 74 rooms unless I've missed something. Disk version needs mapping next although I think its not far off the C64 / CPC464 / Spectrum version in regards to its content. I'm aware of the 'extra' rooms in the C64 version.
  14. I guess I should add some JSW1 B Screenshots now too: I've not done all the rooms just a majority of them. The ending is the same however instead of Willy just falling into the Landing, he jumps twice, once to avoid dropping to the room below and again to avoid the nasty. The ending pics in this post will show. Title Screens: Game Over Boot Perhaps for this version that should be !BOOT ? :D General Game Screenshots: The Ending: (Spoiler Alert!)
  15. As far as I'm aware the 'cut down' one would of been tape only originally. Obviously they are all SSD's now. The 'disk' version is larger and loads sections as you go along. For instance in the disk version moving from 'First Landing' to 'To The Kitchens' causes a disk read. The 'tape' version moving left from 'Macaroni Ted' takes you to the 'Fallout Shelter'. On the 'disk' version that 'Macaroni Ted' screen is awol its 'Bathroom' straight to 'First Landing' There are other differences, the JETSET WILLY message is solid in one and pixelated in the other. Really a good map of both versions is needed. Here's two structure screenshots: 'Tape' 'Disk' Note: The disk version will crash horribly if there's not enough memory (or sideways ram not checked) I had to scale it down to just OS/DFS with ADFS present (but disabled) and a DNFS rom it crashed. See my 'suggested' basic config: I think a new topic for the B versions of JSW2 is in order however, if you wanted to make one I'll chip in bits and pieces etc. :)
  16. Welcome. :) As just mentioned here a moment ago there's a few differences, I do have them to check them out. Is your's the tape or disc version ? Coming to think about it afaik they are the same for JSW1 at least although would be interesting to know for sure. The JSW2 versions (tape / disc) are quite different, ie "Ethel The Aardvark" etc, although I've not played that version for a few years.
  17. That's fine (thanks for uploading as we know it will 'stay' now unless you decided to remove it) rather than linking it. :) I do have the variations of the B version to hand and they are on my 'todo' list, as there's a variation with the tape/disk versions of JSW2 iirc. The disk version is about the same (loads sections as you play) the tape version is a cut down one I seem to recall. I'd not thought a great deal about the Electron version although I do have it floating somewhere ( I'm on the stardot /stairway forums too btw as AndyF ) Unless you wanted to do the Electron version and / or just the loaders ? :) EDIT... Forgot my manners :blush: Welcome!
  18. Its also easy to jump over the 'star' in the 'To the kitchens' screen as well. I suspect this was not intentional.
  19. Spider

    Bbc Version

    This plays about the same as the others. Interestingly it has the 'keypad' lock on it. :) Willy's sprite is a little bit flickery however at least compared to the 'B version of JSW. The airbar is down the side and there's a room number as well that can be seen. The major differences are the last couple of screens really. 'Meteor Showers' is probably best thought of as a hardcore 'Skylabs' as rocks fall. The Final Barrier is also completely different and very very difficult. It has a demo too but it does not show all the screens, it stops at screen 18 'Amoebatron's Revenge' There is the usual 'in game' tune but no title screen sound. There does not appear to be a 'high score' either. The game simply loops around to the first screen on completion, although I did have to use a cheat (ahem) to get the screenshots. I do not think it has a built in "level skip boot" (should that be !boot ?) in this version. Click pics to see a larger version if required. You can also use the left / right arrows in the 'lightbox' to go through them that way if preferred: The first thing you see: Then: After that: Onwards with the in game screenshots! B version has this (and its quite difficult) replacing the Solar Power Generator Final Barrier is completely different and very difficult indeed: Then its back to the start:
  20. A look at the C64/C128 version. Its room layout follows the original as expected and all the nasties appear the same. The 'ramps are square however, I'm not sure why I have to assume some kind of programming style or limitation. They can be quite difficult to jump through. Willy still has that 'floating' jump feeling as per Manic Miner although it seems slightly better. I recall reading there was a bug with The Forgotten Abbey and the item was not reachable. It is although it costs a life as you have to fall off the platform. Its very difficult to get to the item on the flagpole on The Top Of The House as Willy falls if you attempt to walk across the top and the bottom section in Rescue Esmeralda is very difficult to jump through. The top and bottom exits match the spectrum version here, the bottom one drops you onto the Emergency Generator and the top one takes you to the Ballroom. There are some slightly blurry sprites (which gives a 'double rope' effect) I'm assuming this is an emulator / graphics issue as when the game is not paused these are not noticeable. Anyway onwards with the pics, I've not included *every* single room however I've taken snapshots of a fair majority of them, the ones hopefully to be of interest anyway.
  21. Spider

    Cbm64 Version

    This looks and plays almost identical to the Spectrum version. Miner Willy does have some kind of almost 'floaty' jump however but he's quite controllable. Title screen and "keyboard" tune are the same: As is the "!Boot" ;) On with the levels. :) The only things I immediately noted was "Return of the alien kong beast" does not have a nasty on the far right compared to other screens and the text is all in capitals.
  22. This looks and plays almost exactly the same as the Spectrum version. I can see why (from what I can recall?) the Spectrum version was based on this, not vice-versa. The rooms are the same apart from some colour changes it seems. Little to add really so I'll simply let the screenshots do the talking. :)
  23. Took a look at this. The jumping routine is slightly different in that keypresses for jump do not always take priority over left/right. To explain if you press left or right and jump at the same time you tend to move not jump and move. Easily got around however with a slight change to technique. The top 1/3rd of the screen appears in different colours sometimes, I suspect is an emulator issue but I'm not 100% sure. Apart from some kind of highscore table, the following differences were noticed, there may be more: Safe start as per JSW2 (expected as the same people wrote the Spectrum version of this) so infinite death is reduced, not impossible just not as easy The time counter is in a different format A 'rooms visited' has been added There's no arrow in The Orangery There's no item hidden or otherwise in the First Landing The 'lives' sprite also changes when you're in The Nightmare Room The object on The Beach correctly counts for one item The Banyan Tree has an appropriate air cell to ease climing The fire cells in The Conservatory Roof are sensibly placed There is no item in The Swimming Pool room The Dr Jones top exit 'bug' (I'd consider it a bug) remains as the top exit is still defined as Quirkafleeg, no infinite death however. Rescue Esmerelda still has the openings top / bottom. Top this time takes you to The Off licence however. Lower exit takes you to the Emergency Generator Jumping from the top of The Watch Tower also just takes you to The Off Licence. Infinite death is possible if you fall through The Security Guard as the lower exit is defined as the same screen. On with the screenshots:
  24. Spider

    Amstrad Version

    I thought I'd take a look at the Amstrad CPC464/6128 version. :) It plays the same as expected. The tunes are (about) the same too. A couple of the levels have different names however I'll just let the selected screenshots speak for themselves with a couple of comments: Familiar tune as well as the highlighted keyboard keys. Background does not seem dissimilar to the Software Projects inlay actually: Note the name change: Just the same: This is interesting as when the skylabs hit the platforms they make a 'crashing' noise: Warehouse just as tricky: Final Barrier slightly changed, I guess as the top 1/3rd of the screen was free to add bit more into the mix: Oops!
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