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Everything posted by Spider

  1. It would not run on my machine (W7x64 on ESU) , I had a full screen then a blank black window at the upper left and not much else. I'll try it virtually perhaps later. Norman, did the one that would not run throw any errors ? in particular anything along the lines of complaining about cwsdpmi (or similar) libraries, compilation errors etc , also a sign its a 16bit which as you know x64 Windows is not terribly happy about. i386/x32 yes usually will work in a vague sense. The issue I had with the attached file -may- be limited to me as my machine was quite in need of a reboot anyway, 38 days is a long time for Windows!
  2. Great than you. πŸ™‚ Updated. As its your 'own' rather than the AI I've added it as the empty rank.
  3. It's not a problem at all. πŸ™‚ Please do not worry about that. The 'issues' would of likely of been worse had we at some point switched between different software platforms rather than 'stay with one' and merely upgrade. Most welcome. Don't worry about posting 'special characters' , there should not be any issues anyway since the previous (from @IRF's original enquiry) a few months ago now with anything 'new' from that point onwards, its only the small handful of ones remaining that may need attention but as I think I mentioned at the time, from a cursory glance I could not see anything else amiss and it would be near impossible to read everything! πŸ™‚ As an aside if anyone does note anything amiss (this is likely only for any posts previous to the middle of last year or older, nothing newer) please feel free to either post in this topic about it or if you prefer you can send me a PM instead.
  4. Its is (well , it was) slightly more involved. The forum started originally on ISO-8859-1 (I think) and after a couple of years I ran a script to convert it to 'regular' UTF8, which allowed more characters to be accepted properly in the database (mysql being upset as usual) , this was in effect v3 of the software, although I did upgrade it as/when required. At this point in time, the 'data' was all there, or so it seemed. It turned out that some but not actually all posts (data) were effected. Have to bear in mind I'd also upgraded php/mysql a couple of times too. Later on after the sites small unintentional 'vacation' , I upgraded to a newer software version, this would of by default demanded the data be in at least UTF8 format, if not UTF8MB4 format. I chose the latter even though it took more db space it did guarantee at least what I thought was a problem free way. It turns out upon inspection (I did post a section of the code way back) this contained some odd bugs, causing it in effect ignore a 'special character' and although that was not ideal, it then ignored the rest of that data, resulting in the truncation we sometimes see. ^ It is a bit more involved than that, but I wanted to skip the detail and just provide a summary. To be fair once I spent a fair bit of time fixing the majority of the issues on this, the remaining ones are a case of "as and when , please tell me" as Danny posted above. πŸ™‚
  5. Yes. The missing part (and just the missing part only) was: Γ‘lnΓ­ jeskynΔ›" (to be precise, with no diactritical marks and capitalised, so "CENTRALNI JESKYNE"), which is Czech. The Slovak name would be (if Google is to be believed) "CentrΓ‘lna jaskyňa" (which actually shows you nicely how similar and at the same time different the two languages are). Its been restored πŸ™‚ Check here No, no need for them to go. Because now we are on utf8mb4 which allows 4bytes per "character" vs utf8 which was 3 bytes, and in a previous incarnation a few years ago I think it was iso-8859-1 (I think, I can't remember that far back!)
  6. Well done and thank you! πŸ™‚ Updated. This does mean that 1st place is now shared between four players, and I myself have moved to 2nd place, leaving 3rd place open for a future participant.
  7. Are the four 'members' shown 'still with us' as such ? A simple yes or no would suffice I think and still leave an element of puzzle rather than say for instance that x are not.
  8. 91.0.1 W7Ult (On the ESU) x64 Thanks Norman. Not quite sure why it did not work for me. My first thought was SWF but I do not think that would be the case these days, a year or two ago maybe. I did not notice that πŸ˜„ I was too busy playing. Well spotted though. For jump comparisons, try the Spectrum version of JSW1 vs JSW2. Or the Spectrum version of MM and the Amstrad version of MM. You'll note that the Ams version of MM behaves 'jump movement' wise the same as Spectrum JSW2. Does make sense to test for MW actually colliding with something he should not rather than worrying about a Guardian. Some variants of JSW for instance the CBM+4 and CBM C16 iirc have guardians passing though a bit of a water cell.
  9. Welcome @Tuna πŸ™‚ I had to use Chrome (as you mentioned) as it did not work in Firefox. I had a quick go on the first cavern, it plays nicely. It feels smooth in its action and the speed is about perfect. I like the 'loss of life' effect too, the top-to-middle and bottom-to-middle horizontal lines to effectively 'close' the game for that life. I'm attaching a small screenshot: One thing I did note and it may of been me, as I'd not read the documentation ☺️ was I had to assemble it first, simple enough just one more click then run. I'm sure others will be along soon to provide their thoughts too.
  10. As I read it the quick test would simply be to test for'6519' (which works) and then '6549' (which does not) The results are as follows: ZXSpin v0.7 6519 = OK 6549 = Fail. Only 5 and 6 show Spectaculator v8.0.x (Paid version) 6519 = OK 6549 = Fail. Only 5 and 6 show. Note this is the same if you switch to early keyboard emulation (ULA concern iirc) Fuse v1.5.7 6519 = OK 6549 = Fail. Only 5 and 6 show Zero v0.71 6519 = OK 6549 = Fail. Only 5 and 6 show Although some of these have newer versions, it was what I "had to hand" as such. I did not test further however once you had one key from each "half row" it struggles with much else unless its the 'far end' , for example if you hold "T" and "Y" so you're having the second left and right hand rows, it won't accept "R" or "U" , ie one 'either side' of that.
  11. Thanks for the detailed explanation Norman. I did at one time wonder if using an older 'legacy' type PS2 keyboard connector vs USB (either wired or not) would have any bearing but I think not. Spectaculator and some other emulators do offer a slight variation in Issue emulation regarding keyboards , but I -think- from memory this was partly to help with the 'dead cockroach' modification on the Issue 2 machines, as I do not recall too many issue with having it set to "late" vs "early"
  12. Although I (myself at least) have not had chance yet to test the latest changes out, I fully appreciate the fast changes you've provided. πŸ™‚
  13. Myself as well (time permitting) but I'd be happy to try before its "public release" as such if you wish.
  14. To my mind, and this I should say is just my completely personal opinion and has no weight at all: The 'trademarks' which on the pages that Danny linked to, contain the titles and a few graphics, I'd (again my invalid opinion) suspect what you can see is all that is trademarked. As previous, copyright is a different matter. It is interesting as noted previously the sprites for the player sprites (aka: "Willy" and/or "Miner Willy") are not identical that I see to -any- original 8bit or even 16bit (ST/Amiga) release, the 'headgear' specially. The JSW 'written' text looks vaguely similar to iirc the Amstrad CPC title screen and the block version of the same appears to match the ZX and other variants, obviously no flash effect and the two colour choices vary between JSW1 and JSW2. The MM 'Chunky' two colour letters look like an inlay title text, I've not researched how close they are, and the "multicoloured per character" text matches the ZX version, apart from the colours being wrong. It should be 2/6/4/5/3 then 5/3/2/6/4
  15. I agree with Danny's post above. However (sorry) to further add to the mix itself, copyright and trademarks are not the same thing... Plenty of information online (maybe best to make sure you're looking at a UK site not a US or elsewhere one as there are going to be differences I suspect) From here for an example, there are more it is merely the first one I saw. To my mind at least (rightly or wrongly) a trademark is more about protecting a name/brand/images and copyright is more about protecting works, ie: written or otherwise.
  16. IF and only if there was some kind of choice in the matter THEN ELSE
  17. You're very welcome @Pixel Stonk πŸ™‚ I'm hoping a few other members of our community may be able to perhaps provide some ideas / thoughts on this matter. I think the whole (c) issue may be not that clear really. To be honest I've heard various versions aka 'hearsay' so I honestly do not know what is fact or fiction on it...
  18. Welcome! πŸ™‚ That looks very good. Lots of features! I've seen the (MSDOS then Windows) PC remake of the original JSW by Andy Noble and they were and still are very good all-in-all. I wonder as its JSW2 you may be perhaps best to try to contact say Derrick Rowson and/or Steve Wetherill. I'm not 100% if the latter author was involved in the Spectrum version of JSW2 or not. Certainly afaik the Amstrad CPC version which was ported over (sort of) It is certainly worth looking here and checking that page as well as the main JSW2 page and the 'About Author' page. I do not know how accurate or up to date the contact details are but there's no harm in a pleasant email I guess. πŸ™‚
  19. Thanks Norman πŸ™‚ I appreciate the fact you've taken the time to not just add the platform but also provide a small choice of having (or not) the crumbling conveyors. For reference even though its higher up on this page, those versions as well as the 'original' V6c can be found here
  20. Spider

    IRF on holiday? ;-)

    πŸ™‚ If you hover*** over his username (same as anyone on here) the popup will usually show "last visited" πŸ™‚ "Monday" *** Desktop based browser, mobile browser would have to view profile itself. Click anyone's user name to go there.
  21. Thank you for the detailed update! πŸ™‚
  22. Congrats from me too! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ I'm hoping the author views this site and perhaps even watches (or at least partially) the races, pretty sure they would be pleased to find such fun being had still.
  23. Well, sort of. In JSW2 'Macaroni Ted' brought to life Matt's unused 'two part' horizontal guardian: It is known that (at least as I understand it) Macaroni Ted was a way of saying "Hi" to David Cooke and Steve Marsden who wrote Technician Ted πŸ™‚ As 'Ted' was in a chip factory hence Macaroni (a pun on Marconi) and Ted being well Ted. In JSW1 some fire cells are defined for a few rooms but are not brought into play at all, specifically: Ballroom West > Banyan Tree > Chapel > Drive > Nightmare Room > Nomen Luni > Orangery > I do realise they may need a colour change to suit their locations, but the question is simply: Were any of these recycled and used in JSW2 and if so in which rooms ? I do realise I could examine the game but I'm sort of after a bit of 'random trivia' here too if anyone has any snippets of information perhaps from a magazine article or something they read/found elsewhere. EDIT... I am aware that there is an unused Conveyor cell graphic in Chapel too, as well as an unused ramp graphic in Entrance/Hades (the exits on that room indicate to me something 'more' was possibly planned too) and also a floor graphic in The Hall too, but that's not too relevant here in this topic,unless there is information to be shared about any of those too. πŸ™‚
  24. πŸ™‚ Thanks. That does sound on the whole OK, as you say difficult if competing directly etc as there's more pressure. 26mins is quick πŸ˜„ Congrats on the "WRITETYPER Race" πŸ˜„ I did see in the erm 'charts' the Cartography Room was today too, I've seen 'Day In Life' .rzx I think a few months ago but never tried it.
  25. I was not able to watch. 😞 Sorry. I did try to have a look at the twich link earlier (on a phone) but it just made the browser lock up. The other link showed me the 'players' as such but what were the results ? πŸ™‚
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